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"Bonnie!" Eerika's voice echoed throughout the small, Florida apartment.

"What's wrong?" Bonnie raised a brow, while ruffling a towel through her hair.

"Nothing! Nik and Bekah are on Facetime, and I wanted you to say hello."

Bonnie shook her head, before grudgingly walking to the Original.

"Mikaelsons," she greeted, while nodding curtly.

Rebekah sneered lightly, while Niklaus grinned. "Bennett! Your taking care of out sister, I hope?"

Eerika pursed her lips at the slight threat in his tone. "I don't need anyone to take care of me."

Bonnie gently smiled, as the Cailleach slipped an arm around her waist. "We're doing great," the brown-eyed vampire assured before gently removing herself from her girlfriend's grasp and continued to finish her routine.

Eerika finished up her conversation with her siblings before waving goodbye.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," Eerika sighed. She reached out towards Bonnie and smiled contently, as Bonnie walked to her and let the witch grasp her hips.

"You didn't at all, baby," she laughed, letting Eerika pull her closer.

"Have you heard from your friends?"

Bonnie nodded. "It seems that Elena has broken up with Stefan to be with Damon. She seems happy."

"Good for her."

Bonnie nodded, while running her fingers through the other girl's hair.

"You miss them." Eerika observed.

Bonnie shrugged.

Eerika frowned. "We can go back, you know. We wouldn't be able to stay forever, but we could stay for awhile."

Bonnie shook her head in response. The past year with Eerika had been a dream. Traveling the world with the beautiful girl had brought life to Bonnie. She adored Eerika, and Eerika adored Bonnie.

"No," the year old vampire mumbled, while reaching behind the other brunette for the map on the bed. "Let's pick a place and go there."

Eerika smiled in response. "Okay, you pick. I picked Florida."

Bonnie hummed. "How about...Spain?"

"Sounds perfect. How's your Spanish?"

Bonnie laughed. "I almost flunked Spanish two, but that's why I have you, miss I-know-thirteen-languages."

Eerika laughed before pulling Bonnie down with her on the bed. Their eyes met, while their hands locked together.

"I have a present for you," the Cailleach smiled, while nervousness drifted through her bright green orbs.

Bonnie gaped, as Eerika pulled out a ring box from her pocket. "I figured the whole 'down-on-one-knee' thing was too cliché."

Bonnie burst out laughing.

"So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, um, will you...um, you know...ah shit. Will you marry me, Bonnie Bennett?"

Bonnie laughed some more and nodded her head quickly.
"I love you," Bonnie murmured, while letting Eerika slide the ring onto her finger.

"I love you too, my darling. Always and forever."

And that was the truest statement Eerika ever made. 

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Eerika MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now