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Heavily lidded eyes fluttered open as a thin ray of sunshine streamed into the room. A smile soon stretched its way onto her lips, and a content laugh danced gracefully through the air. Eerika stretched and bounced out of bed,  then skipped to the bathroom. The original washed hair face and glanced at her reflection. Her hair was tangled, making her laugh once again. Her bright green eyes continued to glitter with delight and joy, even after all the years of solitude, but a secret dullness latched onto the glowing stars that  have always radiated warmth.  Scorching memories burned through her mind like a wildfire. Licking her dry lips, she tremblingly brought her hand to scar that was branded into the nape of her neck. The image of an upside down arrow with slash marks slicing through the middle was forever imbedded in her skin. The symbol of damaged  was forever there, a constant reminder of her past. She clenched her eyes, while her chest heaved in panic. "Breath," she whispered toa herself. After getting her breathing under control, she finished with her routine and glided towards the kitchen, pretending as if nothing happened. The smell of sizzling bacon and buttery toast drifted throughout the first floor of the Mikaelson mansion. Eerika grinned as she saw her older brother, Elijah, standing at the stove in his usual attire.

"Good Morning, Elijah!" Eerika greeted her brother enthusiastically and took a seat at the opposite side of the counter. "How did you sleep?"

Elijah looked at his youngest sibling with soft eyes that were filled with admiration. "I believe it is I who should be asking you that, Ria."

 Eerika rolled her eyes playfully and smirked. "Always the noble one I see," she stated cheekily, then reached across the counter and snatched a finished piece of bacon.

"EERIKA MIKAELSON, DID I TEACH YOU NOTHING ABOUT MANNERS!?" Eerika laughed lightly as her brother scolded her. She listened to him patiently with a bright grin twinkling on her face, while munching on the object of Elijah's lecture. The original brother sighed and chuckled when he realized that Eerika found his chastising amusing. 

"Would you like some jam with your toast," he asked her, while shaking his head. Eerika nodded and watched her older brother make her a plate.

 "So," she stated nonchalantly, "another doppelgänger." Eerika looked around innocently, but there was no mistaken the mischief that was delicately swirling in her casual demeanor. 

"Yes," Elijah responded, with narrowed eyes.

  Eerika hummed in acknowledgement and swung her feet back in forth.  "Well, are you, um.." She pursed her lips, "involved with her?"

Elijah's eyes widened. As he opened his mouth to respond, Kol and Klaus strutted in the kitchen. "Good morning, Kol, Klaus!"  The brothers smiled slightly. "Good morning, Ria."  They hugged her gently, just like they did when they were humans. 

"Any plans today, Ria?" Kol looked at the brunette expectantly. Her green eyes wondered upward as a pondering look glazed over her features.

"I don't think s-" "Yes, she does," Rebekah interrupted, as she sashayed into the room.

"With whom," Klaus questioned, with a blank look on his face. Eerika tilted her head, silently contemplating why her hybrid brother held a cool façade in front of her other siblings.

Rebekah rolled her sapphire eyes. "With me, of course," she responded, letting the sassiness seep into her voice. "She obviously needs new clothes."

"Obviously?" Eerika mumbled quietly to herself, while glancing down at her outfit.

"No offence, sweetheart," Rebekah stated in a dull voice and shrugged. "Come on!" She grasped Eerika's wrist and dragged her to the car before anyone could object. 

-------------------ARRIVING AT THE SHOP-----------------

Eerika followed the blonde Mikaelson around the store, as the eldest critiqued the outfits. "Oh, this top will really bring out your eyes," Rebekah nodded satisfied, throwing the light green top into the compelled clerk's awaiting arms. Eerika hummed, as she analyzed the store in curiosity. The sound of laughing drew the youngest original's attention to the corner of the store. Her eyebrows rose a fraction before returning to there normal setting, and her lips stretched upwards. "I'll be right back, Bekah," she informed the uncaring blonde, whose focus was on the different pairs of stilettos. The girl turned on her heels and strolled over to the two teens that were looking at jackets.

"Petrova." Eerika acknowledged the doppelgänger, drawing the two girls attention to her. Her whimsical eyes drifted towards the other. "Bennett," she greeted confidently. "Elena actually," the Petrova corrected stiffly, "Elena Gilbert, and this is Bonnie." Eerika nodded slowly, taking into account the emphasis on the last name.

"I stand corrected," she said politely. "Eerika," she introduced, while holding out her hand to the tense, doe-eyed girl, "Eerika Mikaelson." Elena glanced at her hand unsurely, then placed hers in the original's. Eerika turned to the Bennett witch with an intrigued smile and held out her hand once again. Bonnie narrowed her eyes and shook her hand. The Bennett could feel magic radiating off the other witch's body, even before they shook hands, but it wasn't the power she felt inside of herself. It was a completely different type of magic. One she never felt before. It wasn't a feeling of darkness and destruction, nor was it a feeling a chaos and havoc, but it was not a feeling of goodness and lightness, either. With that, the Bennett witch did not know what to make of this. When their hands touched, a feeling of numbness spread throughout Bonnie's body, as well as a feeling of unattainable power. The feeling was euphoric, so raptures it was painful. She jerked her hand out of the untamable beauty's grasp and clutched her heart. "Bonnie," the Gilbert looked at her friend with concern, "Are you okay?" Bonnie's eyes remained staring into the captivating gaze of the Cailleach witch.

"EERIKA!" A shrill voice shot around the store. "HURRY UP! I GOT YOU A DRESSING ROOM!" The said girl smiled innocently. "I guess I'll see you around. Until next time Bonnie Bennett," she nodded at the frozen girl. "Elena Gilbert." Elena's eyes flashed with annoyance, as Eerika skipped to the dressing room where her impatient sister was sure to be grumbling, fully aware of how Bonnie grabbed Elena and dragged her frantically out of the store, forgetting their shopping trip and undoubtedly going to tell the rest of the gang, that she heard of from Katherine, about their short encounter.  

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