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Hiya! I don't own TVD nor any of its characters. I only own Eerika. Thanks for all of the comments and votes! Also, thank you for continuing reading!

3rd P.O.V. 

Waking up was a war itself for the youngest Mikaelson. Her eyes were heavy and her breaths were ragged. The small intakes of air sliced through the brunette's lungs. This was one thing that she didn't miss, while her soul withered away in Purgatory. Sleep. The action was simply a nuisance to her. It was always a painful experience. It was when she was weak. Fragile. She assumed sleep was a blissful sensation for most, but for Eerika slumber was a tormented encounter. While her brain shut down, the demons she fought during the day unraveled themselves from the shadowed prisons she built them and joyful basked in the misery they caused her. While sighing heavily, Eerika pushed herself out of bed and readied herself for the day. As she finished brushing her hair, she pulled back the thin, soft curtains and gazed out the small window. Birds of beautiful colors soared through the bright blue sky and chirped happily. The sun glowed and created a gentle light amongst the emerald trees and bushes, whose leaves laughed as the cool wind playfully ruffled them. Eerika smiled a fleeting smile, as she allowed the curtains to obscure the ironic, cheerful scene. After placing the brush back in the bathroom drawer, the young girl glided out her door and down to the kitchen. She furrowed her eyebrows, as she listened for any signs of her siblings being home. Shrugging her shoulders, she made her way over to the fridge, then pulling a scrap of paper off the cooling machine.


Went out to attend to business. Glad your home.


Eerika laughed, while shaking her head in amusement. Elijah was always the courteous one. She pulled out the milk and made herself a bowl of cereal before taking a seat and glancing around the room. 'Might as well explore,' she thought to herself, while washing her dish and putting it away. Eerika made her way to a small restaurant. "Mystic Grill," she read aloud, before skipping through the door to a table. As she peered curiously around the cozy diner, a boy with oceanic eyes and sandy blonde hair nervously approached her.

"Ugh," he mumbled, while hastily clearing his throat. "Welcome to Mystic Grill, may I get you anything?"

Eerika's head snapped towards the embarrassed boy, whose cheeks now held a tinge of pink. Her eyes scanned his name tag, then met his once again. "Hello, Matt," she greeted, with a bright grin, "you have beautiful eyes!" His cheeks burned a brighter pink, as he gaped at her. Quickly closing his mouth in an attempt to collect himself, he smiled hesitantly back.

"Oh, um, ugh, thanks! You have beautiful, ugh, everything," he rushed out shyly, before clenching his eyes shut. "Are you ready to order," he breathed. Eerika  slightly furrowed her brow in confusion before letting out a small laugh.

"Well," she started, while analyzing the menu that was set on the table a few minutes earlier by another waiter, "what do you recommended?"

 After gaining some of his confidence back, he replied in a jovial voice, "I usually get a number three with a soda, but you might enjoy, um, something different..."

While nodding her head, she read the order he suggested then grinned. "I guess I'll just trust you on that," she said, while handing him the menu. He nodded rapidly then rushed towards the kitchen, eager to escape from further embarrassment. The opening of the grill door drew the witch's attention away from the funny waiter and towards the newcomers. Recognition lit up the brunette's grassy orbs as a man with broad shoulders and hero hair walked in with the Katherine look-alike. The girl certainly wasn't Katherine. Other from the straight hair, she looked like the vampire, but there were definite differences. The girl who stood beside her old acquaintance held an air of naivety and innocence. Unlike Katherine, this girl wore her pain openly. She could be trying  to mask it, but, if she was, she was failing miserably. She'd heard a little bit about the other doppelgänger. She had listened to Rebekah's and Katherine's continuous rants of  " the doe-eyed, manipulative, pity-gathering nuisance", but Eerika always preferred to make her own opinions. She removed her attention away from the duplicate and towards the broad shouldered teen, who was now pulling a chair out for the Gilbert. The man she once knew seemed different from the disconnected man she met many years ago. This one seemed like he carried more weight on his shoulders. It seemed as if he were desperately clinging to something that he could never maintain. What it was? Eerika wasn't sure. The man who sat before the girl stared at her with admiration, while she stared back at him with something that Eerika could only identify as mixed emotions. She suddenly deciphered the two emotions that swirled in the gaze of the cause of chaos: guilt and love. The two emotions that should never be combined. As the door opened again, and a raven-haired man strutted towards the bar, Eerika watched as Elena's gaze followed the man. The leather jacket man met the doe-eyed girl's stare, making her snap her attention back towards the one sitting across the table from her. The pain that flashed through Stefan's eyes did not go unnoticed by the Mikaelson. Pain was one of the most noticeable emotions to the witch, after all, it was no where near foreign to her. Tilting her head, she analyzed the third person at the bar. She'd heard about him too. Damon Salvatore, older brother of Stefan. She'd seen him upon her arrival, but didn't pay much notice to it. This man also carried weight on his shoulders, but seemed to drown out the feeling of heaviness with alcohol. Loneliness and grief glided in the ice of his hardened orbs.  His cold stare kept returning to the girl who seemed to be glancing between the two brothers. Suddenly all of the puzzle pieces fell together. Eerika hummed in realization. The girl was stuck between two brothers. She was causing destruction between the two of them. 'Great,' she thought, 'another Tatia.' Eerika internally shook her head. She had no right to judge, hell, she had no room to. Emotions were only concealable, not controllable. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by Matt, as he placed her order on the table.

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