The Hunter's Aid

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The days were getting shorter. Time was rushing by, while the Mikaelson siblings were getting anxious. After offering peace in return for Jeremy Gilbert's aid in killing Nathaniel, not much conflict had arose in Mystic Falls, but that did not ease any worries for the people aware of the supernatural. Tension was coating the town in a thick blanket. It was obvious trouble was on its way, although the date of its arrival was uncertain. That seemed to only make things ten times worse.

"He hasn't even shown up yet," Jeremy sighed, "how do you guys know he's really coming after Eerika?"

"Because we are smarter than you, pipsqueak," Kol hummed.

"I'm the one helping you," Jeremy muttered in annoyance.

"And we are the ones showing you kindness by not ripping your family into small pieces in front of your eyes." Kol grinned maliciously. "You're welcome."

Jeremy glared harshly at the smirking original, before a light, whimsical voice drifted throughout the room.

"Please stop your arguing," Eerika quietly pleaded. She turned to Jeremy with a sad smile. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this, but you're our only hope."

The Gilbert's eyes softened slightly towards the brunette girl, and he nodded. "It's fine," he shrugged, "it's actually a bit refreshing to not be closed out of the problems. Where's Bonnie?"

Eerika's beautiful eyes dimmed into a bleak abyss as her gentle smile vanished and morphed into a devastated frown. Her gaze met the floor.

"Ms. Bennett is currently unavailable," Klaus drawled.

"What does that mean?" Jeremy's eyes widened in slight concern for his sister's best friend.

"She's getting weaker," the Cailleach breathed. "And Nathaniel's getting stronger."

"Is she dying?"

Eerika pursed her lips, while her shoulders stiffened. "If we do not kill him, then he will absorb all of her power, which will eventually kill her."

"How do we do it," Jeremy demanded.

Eerika shot him a breathtaking grin and nodded. "I will be the bait. He will have Bonnie's magic at his disposal, but I will weaken him. He is unaware that we have a hunter on our side. You will have to act fast."

She smiled thankfully at Elijah, as he passed her the white oak stake. Her green orbs focused on the stake, as foreign words slipped from her lips. Holding it up, she gazed at Jeremy intensely, making him shift his weight nervously. "This will kill him. Only a hunter has the strength to do so; it's in your DNA. I'm trusting you, Jeremy." Her eyes never left his, as she gently pressed the handle of the weapon into his hand. "Do not betray me."

He nodded solemnly. Eerika was kind, but her eyes were hardened. There was no mistaking the unspoken threat in her tone. Nathaniel was not a game for Eerika; this was reality.

A loud scream interrupted the meeting in the Mikaelsons' living room.

"That was Bonnie," Jeremy stated, as Eerika rushed towards the wailing witch.

"Oh, really," Kol spat sarcastically.

Jeremy glared at the raven-haired man with contempt.

"You two are both imbeciles," Rebekah stated lazily, while bringing her champagne glass to her painted lips.

Eerika's frantic footsteps echoed throughout the large house. "B," she exclaimed, calling out her nickname for the witch. "Oh, God." The  Cailleach brought a hand to her mouth, trying to hide her gasp of despair. Her angry, broken green orbs slowly absorbed the scene before.

Bonnie was clutching the bed sheets with the strength she had, which wasn't much. Sweat coated the Bennett's skin, as her mouth opened and closed, trying, yet failing, to prevent the screams of pain and misery from escaping her peeling, blood-glossed lips. Ruby, clumped blood continuously leaked from her eyes and nose, then mixed with the salty tears that were evident on her tormented face. Bonnie's small body spasmed and rattled, twisting due to the undeniable agony that was splitting her bones and overflowing her veins. "Ria," she chocked, desperately crying out for help, while avoiding biting off her own tongue.

Eerika locked eyes with the tortured girl and managed a small smile of comfort. Bending down next to the girl, Eerika's hand grasped the other witch's. Gentle threads of numbness slipped from Eerika's fingertips and traveled throughout Bonnie's body, causing the younger girl to sigh in relief. "What's happening," she breathed.

Eerika bit her lip. "Your magic," she stated quietly, "he's taking it. All of it."

"Make him stop," Bonnie tiredly cried. She was loosing he life. She could feel it. "Please, make him stop. Please."

Eerika shushed the delirious girl, before grabbing a cool, wringed-out washrag from a bucket next to the bed and placed it on the trembling girl's forehead. "It will be okay," she soothingly whispered. The Original's lower lip trembled, as she ran her fingers through the drowsy teenager's hair. She was scared; Eerika didn't know if it would be okay. Truthfully, it most likely wouldn't. Someone was going to die. Eerika sighed, while dragging a hand over her eyes. She despised seeing her friend in this state.

"Alyssa," the vampire called out.

A young, blonde poked her head through the doorway. "Yes," she asked.

"Could you please bring me Bonnie's sleeping aid?"

"Right away, Miss."

Eerika watched as the woman scurried off, before turning back towards the sick girl. "Just hang on, B. We'll get him."

Eerika's reassurance was interrupted, as the blonde servant shuffled into the room, while silently holding out a small vile.

Eerika took the liquid and shot the girl a grateful smile before dismissing her. "Sip," she advised, while holding up Bonnie's head, making sure the Bennett did not choke on the deep blue liquid. Eerika smiled, as she watched the Bennett girl drift off to sleep after drinking the remedy Eerika created. The pain had subsided for that moment. 

Eerika nodded her head, before making her way down stairs. "Alright, Jeremy. Are you ready?"

He squared his shoulders. "Of course."

"Good," she stated in a determined tone. "This is war."

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