The queen's return

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Hello my beautiful readers! I'm sorry for the long wait. I've decided to update this one early because y'all are just too awesome. I would like to say one thing though. You are all gorgeous. I know you've probably seen a lot of these messages before, but if you want the truth read this. My friends call me cruelly blunt for a reason.  We pick out our flaws piece by piece because we've seen how we look  our whole lives. Well, here's a news flash. It's human nature to hate how we look and to think that we're ugly,  but for every time someone calls/thinks you're ugly-including yourself-there will be at least ten other people who think otherwise. Your 'flaws' are what make you stand out. They make you different, and it's okay to be different. In my opinion, being different is good.  You know when you look at someone and think, "I wish I looked like them." Know that others are doing the same thing to you. Every feature you hate about yourself, others envy. Also, if you think you are unloved, you're wrong because I love you.

The Mikealsons lounged around the living room jadedly. They were all trying to forget the other day's fiasco, but it was tattooed in their minds. Elijah was reading, Kol was staring blankly around the room, Rebekah was absentmindedly playing with a pendent on her neckless, and Klaus was making sharp brush strokes across a canvas. A loud knock on the door interrupted the unsettling silence.

"Who the bloody hell is that," Rebekah asked. Before any of the originals could react, a raven-haired vampire burst through the door with his brother and a nervous doppelgänger trailing behind him.

"Good morin-" Damon was interrupted, as he was shoved roughly against the wall.

"You must be stupid," Klaus hissed.

"Now, I wouldn't say that," Damon wheezed, as the hybrid pressed harder on his wind pipe.

Stefan hurriedly sped to his brother's rescue, but was quickly shoved against the wall by Rebekah, who had a tight grip on his throat.

"Stupid indeed." Kol gave a chuckle at the brothers' lousy attempts to get free from his brother's and sister's deadly grips.

Elijah sighed and turned to the terrified brunette. "Why were you all thoughtless enough to come here?" He looked at her questioningly, as she glanced nervously at the struggling Salvatores.

"We wanted to talk about our situation again." Elena shifted from foot to foot.

"Getting desperate now aren't we?" Rebekah smirked at Stefan, and he glared back.

Elijah opened his mouth to respond when an amused drawl twirled around the cozy scene. "Well, isn't this an interesting picture."

All heads snapped to see a smirking Katherine Pierce, standing in the door way, with her arms crossed.

"Is everyone just being plain idiotic today!?" Kol looked around in disbelief.

"Finally giving up, Katerina?" Klaus looked over at the new arrival with a tinge of confusion.

The curly-haired girl's gaze  shifted to the hybrid. Her smirk widened and a smug look, as well as a foreign emotion known as hope,  glided through her chocolate eyes. "Never," she stated.

"You must have, love. Why else would you walk into the lion's den?"

"I want to make a deal." Kol's eye twitched slightly as he heard the word 'deal' again.

Klaus let out a boisterous laugh. "There is nothing you could ever give that could repay what you've cost me."

"Nothing?" Katherine tilted her head. "Not even...a long dead sister?"

Time seemed to freeze.  Rebekah and Klaus let go of their breath-taking holds on the Salvatores' necks. In a flash, Klaus had the smug girl in the position Damon was in seconds before. "What did you just say?" He glared at her intensely, as black veins slithered under his eyes and fangs grew.

"I can just show you. Ria!" Steps echoed  throughout the house. and made their way to the battle zone.

"Eerika," Rebekah breathed, and looked at her little sister with awe.

"Miss me?"

Eerika MikaelsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora