"Yeah, yeah it's nothing"

"Did you put him in prison?"


Serena frowned, "why?"

"It was both our fault, it's OK, don't be so paranoid"

"Your hand is wounded, I am not being paranoid, I am being normal"

"Hey guys"

They looked at the source of the sentence to find Christy smiling at them while going to Serena's desk

"Hey Christy," Martin replied with a smile "whatcha doing here?"

"I came to see Serena"

"I don't want to see you" Serena replied coldly.

"Oh, come on, Serena, I am sorry"

"I don't accept your apology and I won't accept your apology. You can leave, now" Serena replied.

"Guys, help me out here," Christy begged.

Martin shrugged, "I have no idea about the problem to help. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Christy just leave because I won't forgive you"

"We were playing and I messed things up"

"How exactly?" Ryan asked.

Christy didn't answer and Serena was staring at her waiting for her answer.

Serena smirked, "did the cat eat your tongue, now?"

Christy raised her head "no, I am not afraid. I dared her to go on a date"

The twins laughed and Martin's jaw clenched.

"Why don't you tell them who you dared me to go on a date with?" Serena asked with gritted teeth.

Everyone looked at her with anticipation while she swallowed hard and said "Sam"

As if on cue, Martin clenched his hands and stood up suddenly.

He looked at Serena, "you are not going to ask him out"

"Already did, we are going out, tonight"

"I wasn't asking"

She looked up at him and smiled, "sorry Martin but you can't order me"

"If you don't listen to me," he said through gritted teeth, "I will tell Commissioner Walker"

"He already knows"

"And he accepted?" Ryan asked

Serena shrugged, "he said that he was worried but I assured him that he should relax and it ended at that"

Chris narrowed his eyes, "very understanding for Commissioner Walker don't you think?"

She smiled, "I forgot to tell you, dad and I fixed our problems"

The twins' eyes widened and they said in unison, "Did you just say dad?"

Her smile widened, "Yeah"

Martin left the station in anger.

"How could she be so careless?" He thought, "How could she accept that stupid dare?"


Rick was supposed to go to Bill with Ryan but he couldn't wait. So after resting, he went to Bill.

"Sorry, if my house isn't arranged enough for you"

"You should really get over this, Bill"

"How can I help you, detective?"

"I want you to tell me a little about the previous detectives"

Bill frowned, "why?"

"Are you going to help me or not?"

Bill shrugged, "there is nothing I could say. They were staying here but I wasn't their friend. I know as much as anyone in town"

Rick sighed, "just tell me what you know"

"OK, I know the basics, the 4 wanted to date Serena, the 4 got rejected, and they were Christy's best friend..."

"Wait, wait, wait" Rick interrupted, "did you just say that they were Christy's best friends?"

"Yeah, she was the one who told them to ask Serena out"

Rick raised an eyebrow, "What?"

Bill stared at him because he doesn't know what to say.

"Are you telling me..." Rick asked, "that Christy asked the 4 detectives to ask Serena out?"

Bill nodded, "Yeah"


Bill shrugged, "I don't know, maybe she wanted to help her friend out?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know because of the Johnny problem Serena wasn't thinking about dating anymore and Christy wanted to help her"

Things were swimming in Rick's mind, he doesn't know what to think or what to believe but he decided that he will ask Bill one more question

"What do you know about Nessa?"

"She is rude and annoying. She hates everyone in town except for the new detectives and Martin"

"She liked the new detectives?"

"Not really, I believe that she only wanted to steal them from Serena. She was jealous of her and she believed that if she stole people who cared about Serena, she is as good as her"

"She is sick"

Before they could continue Bill's phone buzzed, he looked at it and shouted "OH MY GOD!"

Rick raised an eyebrow, "what's wrong?"

"Serena... She is going out with Sam, the leader of Crab"

Rick stood up with gritted teeth, pushed the door open and went to Bingo.

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