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Mafia (Deception)

Choose someone to frame at night.

If your target is investigated they will appear to be a member of the Mafia.
If there are no kill capable roles left you will become a Mafioso.
You can talk with the other Mafia at night.

Kill anyone that will not submit to the Mafia.

A rogue detective sat in the shadows of his living room, thumbing through piles of old files as he listened to the hollow ticking of the clock mounted on the barren wall. He had documented information on every member of the town, approaching the height of the ceiling as he stood on his tiptoes to find the freshest records.

He would sit at his computer for the entirety of the night, not minding the lack of sleep as he researched and updated every file by hand, going through a handful of readers each month. He would either misplace or break them, causing him to leave the house more than he would prefer.

He found himself plagued with disinterest, staring at the daunting stacks that stood before him as he heard the time pass by. He sat down in the middle of the living room, rubbing his jawline as it cracked and popped. Time nearly ceased to exist, moving slow to the point where he was unable to draw himself back to reality.

The Godfather had hired him to be the Mafia Framer, taking the innocence of the town members and pushing the blame to them, throwing the Investigators and Sheriffs off the correct path as the secret society worked to dominate the entirety of the town of Salem. Although tedious, he knew his job was rewarding to the point of being secured for life as far as financials were concerned.

The man could hear the rustling of the bushes, bringing him to high alert. He remained below eye-level, creeping towards the window as he peered over the sill. The town square was as empty as it normally was for this time of night, causing him to squint incredulously.

Then, he saw her.

He watched as a young woman entered the clearing, her eyes wide with wonder and awe. He could feel a smug tugging at his lips, insisting that he kept composed until she vanished. She wandered towards the first house, cautiously entering through the front door as she turned in for the night. The man turned towards his pile of documents, immediately identifying that she was not registered in his files.

He knew she would be easy to frame and this was his opportunity.

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