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Town (Investigative)

Watch one person at night to see who visits them.


Lynch every criminal and evildoer.

The young boy looked out from the shadows, his watchful eye methodically pacing the village. He was stationed in front of the first house, his will in his hand as he waited patiently. The townspeople didn't understand his motivation behind his tendencies, but that didn't matter. One day, he would prove to them that his findings were crucial to eliminating the evil that corrupted the village.

He took his time to admire the first house, awed by the recent renovations. He was very meticulous in the details he put into his notes, having to keep himself entertained for the hours upon hours he kept himself awake.

The house had been freshly painted with blue-grey hues, the roof re-shingled to give the home a modern vibe. The boy thought back to the past owner, reminiscing on the sleek and modern finish that had presented itself on the inside. The furniture was always kept in its superb condition while the townspeople admired it from afar. Now, all that was left was the barren and empty space that left a cold presence in his heart. He shuddered, looking down at his feet.

The boy had dozed off, unable to keep his eyes open as the hours slowly rolled by. He had been wrapped in a blanket of exhaustion, his back resting against the tree as he fell into a deeper slumber.

His eyes uncontrollably opened, as if they sensed the movement before his ears did. The boy froze in fear, watching as a young woman walked into the village. His hands trembled as he reached for his will, afraid to make any sudden moves. The woman was unaware of his presence, her gaze falling upon the first house. The boy was unable to write or move as he watched her.

The woman walked up the front steps, admiring the surroundings before she cautiously stepped inside. The will dropped from his trembling hands, shocked at the fact that he had finally seen someone that night. He was filled with excitement and fear, unsure of what he should do next. He knew that the woman was not a regular member of the town, which he wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing. He picked up his things and stood, his legs numbed with exhaustion and excitement.

He couldn't wait to tell the town of his findings.

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