Chapter two

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Kara landed in the DEO just five minutes after Mon-el had been shot.
"Help!!! Somebody please help me!!! she screamed at the top of her lungs as she held his lifeless body. DEO agents began rushing towards her with a gurney as she gently placed his body onto it. They began taking him to the med bay as she followed but she was stopped by an agent.
" Sorry Kara, but you need to stay here." the woman said. " We can't have any distractions while we try to save him."
All she could do was nod in understanding. She tried to calm down, to collect her thoughts and contain her tears but they ran free as soon as she looked down and saw the blood on her hands. His blood.
She let the tears flow, she succumbed to her true feelings. She couldn't help but feel guilty. She could have prevented this in so many ways but she didn't. And now he was in there fighting for his life all because she let her hubris distract her momentarily.
"Kara!" she heard a voice call out her name but was too wrapped up in guilt to recognize it.
Before she knew it Alex was hugging her tightly but she couldn't find the zeal to hug her back.
" Oh my god Kara, what happened? Why are you crying?" Alex questioned worriedly.
She took a deep breath as she tried to get the words to come out.
"Mon-el was shot, and it's all my fault." she confessed.
"Kara, there's no way you can blame yourself for this. I'm sure he wouldn't." Alex responded.
"You don't understand Alex, if I hadn't let my pride get to my head I would have noticed that there was a robber missing, I would have taken him out before any of this could happen!" she argued.
"Kar-" Alex began but Kara cut her off and pulled out of the hug so that they were now face to face.
"No, this is all on me. If I hadn't let him come with me in the first place he would be safe, he would be here in the DEO waiting for me to get back not lying on some bed fighting to stay alive!!!!" she shouted so loudly that all the agents looked up at her.
Alex looked at her concerned before she grabbed her arm and led her away to the training room.


Once inside Kara couldn't even look up at Alex. She just stood there waiting for her to say something.
"This is about more than just a mission going bad or an agent getting hurt on your watch isn't it?" Alex questioned but Kara still remained unresponsive.
"He means a great deal to you doesn't he? I can tell because you wouldn't get this choked up about some random agent or even have an outburst like what you just had." Alex deduced.
Kara opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. Another minute passed without an answer while Alex just stared at her concerned.
"Gosh Kara!! If you can't admit your feelings to me then how do you expect me to help you? What are you so afraid of?" Alex shouted.

"What do you want me to say? That you're right? That he isn't just some agent to me? That he means something to me? Then yes!! He isn't some random agent to me. Okay?! I care about him a lot! I care about him so much that I can't stand to watch him suffer in pain because of my carelessness and recklessness!!! You want me to admit that he is the only one that has actually made me feel like I could have someone special in my life?? Someone permanent? Then fine! I admit it! Okay? He is my someone special and I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!" Kara belted out before realizing what she just said.
She clasped her hand over her mouth after her not so small confession.
Alex stood there dumbfounded not sure whether to pull an 'I told you so' moment or to hug her sister again because of the situation. She decided to go with the latter as she hugged Kara.
Kara let her tears flow once again as her realization became apparent. The person she loved was now struggling to stay alive and there was nothing she could do to help him.

"Sshhh Kara, it's gonna be okay. I'm sure he will be fine." Alex said as she comforted her.
"But, but the bullet, it- it- was so close to his heart. Wh- what if he- he never makes..." she said but Alex cut her off.
" Look he needs you now more than ever, okay? You need to be strong for him." Alex responded.
"Come on let's get you cleaned up while we wait to hear what the doctors say." Alex said as she took her sisters hand and led her out of the training room.

Tell me you don't love me ~ A Karamel Story (Supergirl)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz