Epitome of Savagery

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Epitome of Savagery

Valerie was a vision – the epitome of savagery. Standing tall with strength, as blood dripped down her skin, she stared with hatred and contempt. The nurse trembled in dread. Valerie barely moved. Locking eyes she petrified. She terrified and horrified. The nurse shivered in fear, in lasting doubt and disbelief. ‘Alarm,’ she cried with panic! ‘Alarm,’ she begged in hope!

In seconds men arrived – two of them, dressed in body armour. Valerie took a breath. She plucked the blade from the floor and gripped in preparation. A warning sounded through the room – DROO DROO DROO. The light flickered red. The men stormed inside the cell, engaging her in battle. The first one threw a punch. Valerie dodged his fist. With precision, she swung the blade and slit across his tender throat. Blood sprayed against the wall – he dropped dead to his knees. The protective mask on his head cracked against the floor.

The second man made a move but Valerie blocked his strike. Kicking him in the chest she sent him to the wall. Falling back without defence – Valerie pounced with speed. She threw herself on top of him and ripped the helmet from his head. Now, for the first time, Valerie could see his eyes. They were green – a terrified green, a helpless green of fear. She twisted his neck to one side and sunk her fangs into his flesh. There came no hesitation. There was no moment’s pause. The man squirmed with panic. He wriggled in distress. Valerie feasted on his blood and drank to quench her thirst. Letting go, she left him dead and turned around at last. The nurse stood before her. The guards had been dismissed. Lost, alone, without defence – Valerie took revenge.

Dripping blood, Valerie stepped outside the cell. The nurse staggered back – silent now, there was nothing she could do. Valerie grabbed her by her throat and held her to the wall. Death was not enough – killing her just wouldn’t do. Valerie needed more.

Taking the blade, she raised it to her pretty face. The nurse’s eyes were wide with fear. ‘Please,’ she cried in panic. ‘Please,’ she sobbed in desperation. Valerie didn’t listen. Valerie didn’t care. She had thought this through.

Valerie sliced into her face – cutting her with rage. Nina screamed and turned away but Valerie cut again. Downward motion, up again and then to either side – she slashed against her helpless face, powerless to hide. Blood streamed down her face. It dripped into her eyes. The sound of tearing flesh – suppressed by painful cries.

Valerie dropped the blade and released the nurse at last. Falling to her knees, she clung to Valerie’s leg. She cried in utter grief. She screamed in pure distress. Beauty was a fickle thing and now her own was taken. Time had come to walk away – to leave the bitch forsaken. Valerie tried to move away but Nina clung to her. The vampire had no time for this and slapped across her face. Down Nina went with speed, collapsing in disgrace.

DROO DROO DROO – the warning continued to ring. Valerie turned around and darted up the corridor. With no time to free the others – the escape was just for her. Blood dripped against the ground but still her strength remained. DROO DROO DROO – the elevator opened and men appeared again. This time there were four – a few of many more.

Two attacked at once. The others waited in reserve. She kneed the first in the groin and followed with a punch. She dodged the second man, twisted around him from behind and strangled him to death. The third man tried to kick her but Valerie was too fast. She rolled across the ground and sprang up to her feet. She punched him in the spine and cracked it with her fist. DROO DROO DROO. The guard collapsed to the ground – he was paralysed. The final one made his move but he was out of luck. Leaning over on her hands, she kicked him in the face. DROO DROO DROO. The man collapsed in pain – his jaw completely shattered. With no one left to fight her, she continued to the lift. She left behind a bloody mess, she left their bodies cold. Upward she ascended – to the light or to the night, whichever brought her freedom. DROO DROO DROO. Finch’s grasp couldn’t keep her, even in his kingdom.

Storming through the open doors, Valerie looked around. She was in a lab. The men were dressed in white. Quickly they scattered to their feet and ran in total fear. Dripping on the spotless floor, Valerie caused a panic. She grabbed a tall man by his coat and threw him through a wall of glass. DROO DROO DROO. The glass cracked to pieces and shattered to the floor. She made her way across the room and headed for the door. A set of guards awaited her, they deserved her focus. Three attacked at once. A fourth one waited by the side and flashed a light at her. Valerie kicked the first and knocked him to the ground. She punched the second in the throat and sent him flying back. Containers and some other things crashed apart and cracked. DROO DROO DROO.

The third one was a bigger man, he attacked with force. Punching Valerie in the chest, he sent her tumbling back. She dropped to the floor below and kicked against his knee – he rattled. She jumped again to her feet and punched him in the head – he stumbled. Down again to his leg, she kicked in violent rage – he toppled. The man fell to the floor and knocked against the ground.

DROO DROO DROO – the fourth man dropped the light, its effect was useless. He broke a panel by his side and quickly flipped the switch. Suddenly, the pipes above hissed in cold lament. Gas filled the room. The blood couldn’t save her now, she was breathing air. Valerie coughed in pain. She struggled to continue.

There was no time to think. She grabbed the mask from the man who stood aside in hope. She ripped it from his face and brought it to her mouth. The air was purified. The mask had saved her life. She took a piece of broken glass and stabbed him through the neck. There was no time to drink. Her blood was dripping off. Attaching the mask to her face, she continued on. On and on she went, seeking her escape. DROO DROO DROO. On and on she went, to prevent her body’s rape.

The lobby was packed with businessmen, with professionals in suits. No one stood to stop her – she was a vision of hell. Running through the doors ahead, she stepped into the night. The parking lot was big. The stars above were bright. With no idea where she was, she was running blind. Intuition told her left. She listened to her gut. She ran with all her might – the street beyond was distant. Her legs were soft and weak. Her injured arms dribbled blood. Still she battled on and on but hope was all she had.

Suddenly a van appeared, moving from the right. Valerie changed direction and tried to get away. A second van appeared, blocking from her left. Valerie stopped. She stumbled back, finding herself surrounded. Guards jumped from the van and more men from the other. Twelve souls in total, preparing to beat her down.

They all attacked at once. Valerie was overpowered. They wrestled her down to the ground and kicked her where she lay. Through her mask and muffled pain, all she saw were bodies. Dark figured from above, beating in domination. Half her skin was silver again – soon they’d light her up. Back to the cell she’d return, with no chance or hope.

Suddenly, a gunshot thundered through the night. One of the men collapsed in a heap of lifeless flesh. A second shot – a second man, falling to the ground. A third, a fourth, a vicious fifth – five bodies, lying dead beside her. The other men retreated, taking cover behind the van as a man appeared. Standing over Valerie’s body he looked into her mask. Pulling it off from her head, he gazed into her eyes. ‘It’s ok,’ he said in comfort – the voice was that of Jack. ‘You’re not alone... not anymore... I’m here for you now.’

Reloading the gun with bullets, Jack stood to his feet. He fired off another round and followed with a second shot. Pulling Valerie to her feet, he tossed her over his shoulder. Stepping back, he covered himself – firing into the night. Half of the men were dead. Another two were bleeding out. The final four took cover – there they cowered in fear.

Away from the building now, Jack pulled her through the broken fence and opened the Chevrolet. Sitting in the passenger seat he held her in his lap. Valerie’s blood covered his clothes – still she continued to bleed. Ripping off his shirt, he tore it into pieces. Wrapping around the bleeding cut he dressed the damaged wound. ‘Time to go,’ Jack said, dressing the second cut, ‘make for Lakewood... and no matter what, don’t stop the car.’

‘Got it,’ Aria replied, her hands upon the wheel. With that, she kicked the car into drive and hit the accelerator. Speeding off down the street, Valerie closed her eyes. Now she felt relief. Now she was at peace. They screeched around the corner and roared on through the light. They raced along the narrow street and disappeared from sight.

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