Body Shock

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Body Shock

Valerie sat in the chair – locked down, there was nothing she could do. The room was clear of toxic gas but torture was close at hand. The doctor hurried by – checking equipment and testing tools. He seemed excited. What was he so curious about? The nurse examined her reflection. Studying her face for imperfection, her search was a mission in vain. She was flawless, or so she liked to think. The two men guarded the door. They were silent, except for their breath. All they did was watch.

‘I’m ready to begin,’ the doctor said, instructing the nurse to get underway. She lowered the mirror to the tray and wired the chair for electrical charge. Soft pads were gently attached to Valerie’s skin – across her face, against her body, along her arms and down her legs. The nurse was happy with her work – the vampire was going to burn. 

‘I will now begin with test number three,’ the doctor said, recording his method again. ‘Having achieved positive results in tests one and two, electrical stimulation will now be used to check the subject’s nervous system. Advanced MRI analysis will follow and negative reinforcement will be used to stimulate the subject’s emotional response.’ The doctor paused as he looked straight into Valerie’s eyes. She seemed sleepy, low on energy, tortured and distraught. ‘Subject is already showing signs of fatigue. Breaking point is close,’ the doctor added, ‘subject may not survive the session.’

Valerie tried to listen. She tried to make sense of his callous words – but it was no use, she was barely able to focus. The nurse prepared the equipment and waited for the doctor’s order. This was her favourite part. The slow sensation of building pain, the realisation and tormented fear – it was a thing of beauty.

‘Why are you so ugly,’ the doctor asked, speaking loudly so Valerie could hear? He turned to the nurse, nodded his head and commanded her to flip the switch. Suddenly a short burst of electric charge shocked Valerie from within. The soft pads sizzled in torture as Valerie opened her eyes to scream. Shaken awake, she growled in a stern and vicious rage.

‘Why is your life so worthless,’ the doctor said, upping the charge and recording the result? Valerie’s body trembled in pain. She felt it to the bone.

‘Stop,’ she screamed, ‘stop!’ Valerie struggled in the chair and pulled at the latch with all of her might. The electric sensation was agony – shocking her nerves into deadly submission. Valerie turned her head. She locked eyes with the nurse and noticed her threatening smile. That’s when Valerie screamed again – the electric charge flowing within.

‘Why does no one love you,’ the doctor asked? Valerie felt another surge but it was stronger now. A burning sensation consumed her, overriding her mind with pain. ‘Why does no one care,’ the doctor added as he ordered another strike? Like lightening through the sky, Valerie’s body cracked in distress.

‘Who will remember you when you’re gone,’ the doctor said, checking his tablet for the effect? Valerie moaned in sorrow. She was being punished by a powerful force – the gods wanted to watch her in hurt, to see her fall into misery and decay. ‘According to these results, the girl is really suffering,’ the doctor noted. ‘Quite incredible really,’ he added, turning to face the nurse.

The nurse smiled in reply. ‘She certainly is, but I think she could handle another question.’

‘Quite right,’ the doctor agreed. Valerie screamed again. An abusive man was her greatest of fears, the doctor now had reduced her to tears. She moaned out in agony – in a bitter lament. She cried out in prayer – her sins to repent.

‘What’s the point of continuing on,’ the doctor asked? Another burst of electric charge thundered through her body. ‘When will you realise it’s time to die?’ Another pulse consumed her – a charge so strong it shocked her into silence. Valerie had lost all hope. Death would be a welcome release.

‘We’ll leave it there for today,’ the doctor decided, standing up to leave the room. The nurse switched off the machine – she was disappointed. ‘When she’s ready I want her back. We’ll need to do a full blood work to be sure... but I feel confident that this is the one.’ The doctor smiled as he began to imagine the possibility. Phase two would succeed. This time he was sure.

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