Like a Diamond

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Like a Diamond

Lucia rolled off Alex’s chest and turned over onto her back. She was out of breath. Her dark skin felt hot against the black bed and she lay there for a moment in a sense of fantastic ecstasy. She was thoroughly satisfied with her outstanding performance and she knew her lover felt the same. She was one of a kind and like a diamond, she was forever.

The vampires lay together on a large round bed in the centre of the Eclipse Room. The bed itself was a dominating piece of furniture, the focal point of the room. Everything else was black, from the table to the chairs and from the carpet to the ceiling above. Black through and through, the representation of a vampire’s vision, the embodiment of a vampire’s delight and the metaphor of a vampire’s soul... if such a thing could exist.

Throughout the day sunlight invaded the room from above the bed. A thin piece of glass created the appearance of a perfect corona of light. It was a natural shield of illumination that surrounded the bed, which itself, remained eclipsed in darkness. To pass through the shield was a painful experience and as a result, it acted as a reminder to those who were sensitive of light, that during the day, bed was the best place to be.

‘Wow,’ Lucia moaned as she gazed over towards Alex, ‘that felt exhilarating.’ Alex’s eyes were closed and he didn’t reply but she knew he was pleased. ‘One of these days you’re going to want to keep me just for yourself,’ she added, hoping for a response, ‘but it’s ok, I like it when you’re selfish.’

Alex said nothing. Instead he sat up and stood up off the bed. Lucia watched as his naked skin passed through the barrier of light. She watched for his reaction but he showed no sign of pain or distress. He was a master of his emotion and she craved for his love.

Alex moved over towards the cabinet where a decanter of blood wine awaited him. He poured himself a large glass and relished in his first taste. Dark Desires offered a range of specialties, from animal bloods to a variety of the human kind. There was lion blood and wolf blood, bear blood and deer. From the blood of a man to that of a small child, African, Asian and Latin... every decadent flavour was on offer here, to be delighted in and enjoyed.

Blood wine was the mixture of blood and red wine, a lavish treat to those with refined tastes. Alex’s favourite vintage combined lion blood with a nicely aged Bordeaux merlot. The consistency was sharp. It sizzled in the mouth and stung the back of the throat on the way down. It was delicious and sensational, a truly tremendous taste.

‘So that girl last night,’ said Lucia, ‘who was she?’ Alex returned to the bed, passing through the light and hiding his pain for a second time. He lay down beside Lucia and gave her a sip of his wine. He watched as she licked her lips. She refused to break his gaze. ‘Which girl?’ asked Alex, fully aware of whom Lucia was referring to.

‘You know very well which girl,’ replied Lucia as she held the glass in her hand, ‘the pretty one you spoke to in your office. Nico told me you offered her a job.’

‘Oh...’ answered Alex, ‘that girl.’ He tried to look disinterested, as if he had forgotten all about Valerie. Lucia however, was curious and inquisitive. She saw through lies and used that talent to spin her own. ‘Yes, she’ll be starting here later today and you’ll be the one to teach her how things are done.’

‘And if I don’t want to teach her?’ asked Lucia in a disobedient flair. She watched and studied Alex’s expression. The animal inside her wanted to scratch his face, while the woman from within wanted to lick his chest. Together they forged as one and Lucia was all that remained.

‘If you don’t want to do what you’re told,’ replied Alex sternly, ‘then I’ll have to hurt you.’ Suddenly, he grabbed Lucia by her wrist and forced it into the sunlight. A burning sensation swept instantly through her body. She moaned out in pain and quickly pulled her hand back into the shadows. Alex paused for a moment. ‘Am I clear?’ he asked.

Lucia smiled. The sunlight burnt her, but really she had enjoyed the pain. ‘You’re clear,’ she replied as she stretched her wrist and took another sip of the blood wine. With that, she poured the rest of the glass down over her face. Alex watched as it dripped across her lips and flowed down her curvaceous body, over her breasts and down her legs, staining her skin in a blood red. Lucia threw the glass down onto the floor and then she waited for his reaction. She knew what to expect.

Without hesitation, Alex wrestled her down onto her back and pinned her hands behind her head. He pressed his body against her chest and held her down as he kissed her lips. He moved his tongue across her neck and licked the blood off her skin. He was hard and he was aggressive, like an animal consuming its prey. Then he took her once again.

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