Dripping Blood

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Dripping Blood

‘Oh my god, I totally forgot,’ Aria said, turning around to Jack. ‘I’m like, supposed to invite you in or something?’ Aria was nervous. She had never met a vampire before and she didn’t know how to act. Now there was one, a mysterious man, standing outside her room. His name was Jack, and he had just saved her life. ‘Do I just say it... or think it, or do I have to...’

‘You watch too much television,’ Jack replied, cutting her off as he stumbled through the door. ‘This isn’t a fairytale,’ he added, looking for somewhere to sit. All he wanted was a moment of silence. His body was battered and bullet holes pierced his back. He needed time to heal.

‘Sit, sit, please,’ Aria gestured, guiding him towards the bed. ‘Can I get you anything... like, I have pop-tarts or maybe some chips? Wait... can you eat salt and vinegar or is it bad for your health?’

‘How about a pint of blood,’ Jack replied, holding his arm in pain.

Aria froze in trepidation. ‘I have a pet hedgehog... but Thor is way too adorable to eat and I’m, well... I’m not very tasty... I’m really quite boring... excitement doesn’t exactly flow through my blood, if you know what I mean... I think I’m...’

‘Stop,’ Jack said, cutting her off for a second time. She was babbling. ‘I don’t need blood, just hand me the wine from over there,’ he added, directing her towards a half drunken bottle, sitting idle on her desk. Aria stood up, took the bottle and placed it in his hand. With that, Jack took a long and lasting drink. He felt far too sober.

‘So if you don’t mind me asking,’ Aria said with hesitation, sitting down beside him now, ‘who the hell are you and what’s going on?’ Jack turned his head. He knew she was his for the taking. He could hold her down and drink her blood but decided at last she deserved to live. The wine would suffice.

‘There’s not much to say,’ Jack said, taking another drink, ‘I’m Jack... your friend, Valerie... well she’s a vampire now, has been since last night. She’s pretty new to this and she’s done nothing but screw up. She’s already made a few enemies and now one’s caught up with her. It was only a matter of time.’ Jack threw his coat to one side and he slowly took off his top. ‘Check my back, will you,’ he said, running his hand across his skin. His body ached in pain.

‘Wow, that does not look healthy,’ Aria replied, gazing at his body. Jack was dripping blood. ‘Let me just put something around it, I have a first aid kit under my bed.’ Aria pulled the kit from beneath her bed and began wrapping a bandage around his chest. ‘Aren’t you supposed to be immortal or something?’

‘Mostly,’ Jack replied, ‘bruises heal fast, bullet holes take longer... but I’ll be fine.’

‘You must be like... a hundred years old,’ Aria guessed, trying to figure him out? Where did Valerie meet him? Why did he save her life?

Aria gazed into his eyes. There was a complexity to his expression – a look of apathy, through eyes that had seen the emotion of time, the slow decay of the human condition and the rising sun of hope and rebirth. Jack was right. This wasn’t a fairytale. Aria could see that no matter the myth, no matter what they said or what she read – the man before her had a soul.

‘Something like that,’ Jack replied as he took another drink. He knew he’d have to leave soon, dawn was close at hand. He was hungry. He knew if he stayed, Aria would end up dead.

‘Are you the one who did it... are you the one who turned her?’ Aria asked, tending to his wound. She wanted to know. She needed to know. Valerie had hidden the truth away but Aria had to help. Now it was on her, to somehow find a way.

‘No... she did it to herself,’ Jack replied, slowly closing his eyes. ‘I’ve never seen anything like it... well, almost never.’

‘Well, I’m Aria,’ she finally said, introducing herself to Jack. ‘Valerie’s been my best friend all my life. I knew something was up with her... I just had no idea it had come to this. She’s been pretty messed up lately... things haven’t been going her way.’

‘Why... what’s she been into,’ Jack asked? He was curious. What could drive a girl to this? No one chose this existence – the wicked curse of an immortal life. He certainly didn't, it was forced upon him.

‘Girl stuff,’ Aria explained. ‘There was this teacher at school... he took advantage of her... he, well... you know... and her mom, well she was a total head case... high most of the time, always screaming at her, fucking things up. No dad, he bailed before she was born... no way was it easy.’ Aria finished the bandage and took a mouthful of wine.

‘And she saw this as her way out,’ Jack said, softly and slowly in realisation. ‘My world Aria,’ he added, looking down at the bottle of wine, ‘is just as fucked up as yours.’

‘Who was the guy who attacked us,’ Aria asked, ‘he had some serious issues?’

‘That was Raul,’ Jack said, stretching out his arm, ‘a vampire slayer who’s looking for me. Valerie just got in the way.’

‘So what now,’ Aria asked, ‘there’s gotta be something we can do... we’ll find this guy, we’ll find Valerie and we’ll save her right?’

‘I love the optimism,’ Jack replied as he slowly stood to his feet, ‘but there’s nothing we can do. Raul is gone and Valerie’s surely dead. That’s the sad reality... you’ll have to learn to live with it.’

‘But I can’t accept that,’ Aria said, watching as Jack got dressed.

‘I can’t help you,’ he replied, putting on his coat. ‘Look, thanks for the drink... not quite Raven’s Wing but it it’s just what I needed now.’ With that, he motioned for the door.

‘You’re just gonna leave,’ Aria asked? She was angry. She was disgusted.

Jack opened the door and slowly turned around. ‘Sorry sweetie, this isn't my fight... I'm afraid you’re on your own.’

Aria was cold. She lay on her bed, starring through the window beyond as the sun slowly rose. Her thoughts were of Valerie – her closest friend no matter what. Through life and in death, she’d always be there for her. She’d never give up hope. She wouldn’t let her down. She wouldn’t leave her now. Friendship was love – and love could achieve the impossible.

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The Innocent Life of Valerie ValeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora