Cigarettes and Bullets

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Cigarettes and Bullets

Valerie watched as the blond man stepped out of the club and onto the street. He was in great shape. He had an athletic body, strong features and luscious hair. His blood pulsed through the veins in his arms and its smell, its taste and its quality captivated her senses in a surge of anticipated sensation. She was paralyzed by lust and desire.

Valerie was drawn to him. She began to stalk him slowly. He turned left and left again at the end of the block. There was a small parking lot ahead. It was dark, hidden from the fluorescent light of the main street. It was isolated. It was perfect.

The man slowed his pace, searching his pockets as he approached his vehicle. It was a black SUV, with tinted windows and chrome rims. Valerie liked it and decided it would be hers. It would make a worthy prize and settled on killing him slowly, before returning home upon her chariot, the spoils of the night’s hunt.

As he leaned against the car, the victim retrieved a tired old pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He held one gently between his fingers and ignited it with the tender flame of a silver lighter. It was a beautiful piece. It looked solid and heavy and bore the design of a striking heart, etched delicately on one side.

‘You got one for me?’ asked Valerie audaciously. Her prey glanced up as his eyes narrowed, inhaling his first drag and pausing for a moment before he replied. Valerie watched as the air around his mouth glistened from the glow of smoke that drifted upward and disappeared high into the night’s sky.

‘Sure thing kitten,’ he said with a charming grin, ‘get your little ass over here.’ Valerie smiled and approached him slowly. She paraded herself before him, moving more enticingly with every step.

His biceps were well shaped. He looked like a gentleman and yet there was something rough about him too. She focused on the vein sticking out of his arm. It brought her close to the edge as she visualised sucking on it like a little straw. Valerie liked him but she was overcome with thirst. It was almost a shame she was going to have to kill him.

Suddenly the man punched her in the face. Valerie became disorientated in a dizzy haze and struggled to keep her balance. Her nose stung and dripped of vampire blood. He gave her no time to react. He punched her again and she dropped to the concrete below.

‘Stupid little bitch,’ he uttered as he kicked her on the ground. His steel tipped boots struck her abdomen and an electric pain rippled through her body from within. Valerie moaned loudly, she almost cried. He kicked her again, this time in the head. Blood splattered across her face as she ricocheted off the ground.

As the tinted window of the car’s passenger seat lowered, the face of a Hispanic man with messy black hair and selfish brown eyes was slowly revealed. ‘I love it when you’re hard on them,’ he said maliciously in his playful yet terrorising voice. ‘You can tell she just did her hair,’ he added as he laughed vindictively with a sense of perverted pleasure.

The blond man paused to catch his breath. He approached the window, leaned in and kissed his associate passionately on the lips. ‘What’s mine is yours baby,’ offered the man from within the car as he handed his lover a wooden stake, ‘now time to finish this, I’m hungry.’

The blond stood powerfully over the body of Valerie who lay on the ground in a state of close unconsciousness. She was weak and she was helpless. She looked up towards his face as he glared down upon her. In his eyes and in every sense - she was beneath him.

Suddenly the side of his face exploded in a crescendo of blood, flesh and shattered bone as the after sound of a lone gunshot blared through the night. His lifeless corpse stood still for a moment before finally collapsing across Valerie’s defenseless body. Then… she passed out.

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