Disorientated in Disbelief

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Disorientated in Disbelief 

Valerie ran through the corridor in fear. She was being chased. Her body was hot and she was tense in terror and trepidation. The floor was wet and the water splashed violently with each and every frightened step. The corridor was long and metal lockers lined the way. Classrooms blurred by as she raced ahead. Who was chasing her and what did they want? She didn’t know.

Valerie looked frantically around but there was no one in sight. It was then she realised where she was. She never thought she would find herself back here again. She thought she had left this horrible place behind for good. The school bell of Lakewood High rang out and all Valerie could do was scream and run, disorientated in disbelief.

The bell continued to ring. It was a loud and horrible sound. It echoed down through the corridor. It reverberated off the water on the floor and against the lockers on the wall. It rang through her body, every organ and every bone. Then it suddenly stopped and yet a far more distressing noise took its place.

Valerie could hear the sound of heavy footsteps advancing from behind. She was being hunted and the hunter was getting close. She ran to the door of the classroom on her left. She pulled desperately at the handle but it was no use. The door was locked. Then she tried the room to her right. She touched the handle but it was red hot and she was forced to let it go. As Valerie peered through the little window, she was astonished to see the room in a blaze. The heat of the fire radiated through the wooden door and she began to sweat in anxiety and anguish.

Suddenly she saw movement in the room. There was a person inside. They were running around in shock and horror, attempting to flee the raging inferno. Valerie jumped away from the door as the hand of a woman pressed against the window in a frantic cry for help. Valerie could hear her scream but she did nothing.

The footsteps continued to get louder. Valerie had to make a run for it. She moved along the corridor in a desperate attempt to reach the end. Her legs felt weak and her mouth was dry. Then the water level on the floor began to rise. It slowed her pace. It felt as though she was getting nowhere. Still the footsteps grew louder and louder.

Suddenly she heard a faint voice calling her name from beyond. It was her father, a man she had never known. She raced towards him but was unable to see him. He was at the end of the corridor and only there would she be safe. He would protect her from her attacker and grant upon her eternal sanctuary.

Her father called her name again but the corridor was too long. ‘Daddy,’ she screamed as she splashed through the water which had risen to her knees. ‘Help me,’ she cried, but it was no good. He couldn’t hear her.

Disaster struck as Valerie felt the cold grip of a man’s hand around her ankle. She dropped to the floor and hit her face against the ground. She tried to crawl away but the hunter was too strong. He pulled her from behind and dragged her back along the corridor, through the water and into an empty room. He lifted her up and threw her over the teacher’s desk, holding her still and fighting her every move. Valerie couldn’t see his face but she was aware of his touch. It was a familiar feeling. The man was her math teacher, Mr. Davis... he had found her again.

Suddenly Valerie woke up in a cold sweat. She sat straight up in bed and realised at once, she was home in Eden. It was morning now and Aria was gone. Valerie lay back down with a great sigh of relief. It had just been a nightmare. It meant nothing.

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