Habitual Sin

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Habitual Sin

The subway was packed. It was rush hour now and the innocent journeyed home after a long and hard day’s work. Their lives were so ordinary, concerned by tedious trivialities and routine rituals. They lacked excitement and lost out on exhilaration. Clothes needed washing and dinner needed cooking. There was television to watch and bills to be paid but Valerie’s day had just begun.

The cramped subway was utter torture. Valerie already regretted using public transport, especially since she had two cars parked at home. The white hatchback belonged to her and the black SUV was Dark Desire’s rental. Now Valerie stood squashed between two men as she battled against her lust for blood. Her fangs were sharp. How easy it would be to tear into their flesh and drain them of blood. How hard it was to stop herself from doing just that.

The man behind her, a fat old thing, kept pressing himself against her body. He was a pervert and he deserved to be left for dead. The man in front was younger, he was quite attractive and there was a gentlemanly quality to his expression. Valerie felt like eating them both but the subway was too busy and she knew better than to draw such attention to herself... in spite of what fabulous fun it would be.

Finally the subway arrived at its destination, Newtown. She was relieved to step off onto the platform and made her way up through the station to the fresh air above. Valerie had been such a good girl but she was still hungry and needed to feed.

Newtown was a built up area of the west side, located considerably close to Dark Desires. Valerie grew up in South Lanton and had always been warned to stay out of the west by teachers and adults who pretended to care. The truth was, West Lanton had the best nightlife in the entire city. Nova was incredibly popular but there was also Waterstone, 88, SinBox and Cube. Drugs were a bigger problem here than anywhere else but most of the people who lived on the west side were ordinary folk. They were less well-off than those in the north, but they got on with their lives and they lived in peace.

Suddenly Valerie spied a small child. It was a little boy, aged no more than six. He ran out of a shop and disappeared from sight down a lonely alley. Valerie watched as the owner emerged from his store, angry and aghast. It was clear to her, the little rascal was a thief.

Valerie quickened her pace and darted around the block to the other side. She arrived at the end of the alley well before the little boy. She was fast. There she waited, in the darkness, hidden by shadow. She was a hunter and he was her prey, weak and alone. His footsteps grew louder against the ground. Valerie could hear his breath and she could feel his heart beating wildly inside his tender chest. The boy was nervous from his criminal act but justice would be swift.

Valerie waited for the right moment. As the boy passed, she stepped out in front and blocked his way. He froze on the spot and took a step back. Valerie glared into his eyes as she revealed her lethal fangs and took pleasure from his fearful gaze. He motioned to run but stumbled over his careless feet. Now was her time to strike.

In one swift move, Valerie leaped through the air and landed on his chest. She held him down without much trouble and without hesitation she sunk her teeth into his neck. The boy tried to scream but she put her hand over his mouth and silenced him with ease.

His blood had a delicate taste. There was a nice sugary flavour and it felt soft against Valerie’s throat as she swallowed it down. It contained a higher level of oxygen than the blood she had tasted before, which gave it an interestingly light quality. It was rather sweet and its smell was less potent, subtle and discreet. The boy was delicious through and through. Her sadistic thirst had been quenched.

Valerie was pleased, yet she felt sad for the corpse that lay by her feet. The world had turned against him, and so early in his life. Was that his fault or was society itself to blame? Still high from her fresh vampiric tendencies, Valerie realised that she had lost touch with her own sense of morality. She felt enchanted, as though she danced in a wonderland of darkness and habitual sin. She cared little for the souls of mortal men and wondered if that would ever change but something about the boy made her think twice. In that moment, she decided he deserved a second chance.

As Valerie gazed down at his body below, she bit into her little finger. She pierced her skin and watched as blood dripped down her hand. Valerie stuck her finger into the boy’s mouth and gave him at last a sinful taste. She wasn’t sure what would happen or what exactly to expect. How much of her blood did he need to drink? Had he been dead too long to be turned? Valerie was a novice but she decided fate would play its ultimate role. She chose not to wait and continued along her way. She skipped and jumped as she walked, like a child at play. As Valerie’s boots struck the ground she was apathetic and aloof. The noise that echoed beneath her feet was that of Satan’s hoof.

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