Fighting Fear

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Fighting Fear

Aria counted to three – she was fighting fear! Maybe she had made a mistake, maybe she was wrong? A vampire bar in Winter Creek – would this place be safe? One. Did she even have a choice, Valerie needed help! Two. Swallowing hard she stepped inside – Raven’s Wing awaited. Three.

The bar was loud and busy. A wave of bodies crammed the room and music filled the air. Aria looked around – exploring faces in the crowd, searching for the one she sought. Vampires – she thought. How many of them were there?

The bar smelled of wicked intent – a fiery mix of liquor and smoke. She noticed men, young and old, and women lost in conversation. Lovers kissed in the shadows and danced before the stage. Stolen Youth played to them – a rock band from the city. Vampires – Aria wondered. Was it true? Their music had such soul?

Aria took it in, examining every face. The tall man by the bar. The quiet group in the corner. The one in leather by the wall, talking to the pretty girl. He was a vampire – he had to be! Suddenly Aria felt a man brushing by her from behind. He was on his way outside – was he one of them? Had he set his eyes on her, could he smell her blood? What about the women – sitting by herself? She had evil eyes.

The weekend brought a party crowd and while locals chose to stay away, there were those who couldn’t resist! An urban legend to socialites – a night of fun was promised. Locals didn’t care – it kept the trouble away from them. When, as it occasionally did, a young girl would go missing – who would really miss her? A stupid girl from the city, no one seemed to care!

The man who dressed in leather made a move to leave. Aria watched. He took the girl by her hand and led her towards the door. She was pretty indeed – her hair a chestnut brown, her eyes an ocean blue. Was he going to kill her? Was he going to drink her blood, was she doomed to die? Aria couldn’t help herself – she needed to give warning!

‘Wait,’ Aria said, pulling by her wrist, ‘I need to tell you...’ Suddenly the girl turned around and hissed into her face. Her fangs were sharp, her eyes were dark and her anger burned with fury. Shocked, Aria released her grip and stumbled back in fear.

‘Well hello,’ said a man as Aria fell into his lap. She tried to stand but he held her tight. ‘She smells good,’ he laughed, turning to his friend. ‘Nice and fresh,’ he added, sniffing at her neck. Aria struggled. He wouldn’t let her go.

‘Play nice Liebgott,’ said a girl who carried a tray of drinks, ‘you could have gone and caught yourself a Valerie... don’t want to lose your pants now do you? Find your manhood taken away?’ Liebgott looked up. Alex warned him to keep control – he didn’t want a bloody mess, not with Sinclair causing trouble.

Letting Aria go, he dismissed the waitress to the bar. ‘Ruby, get us another round... and make it quick this time.’

Ruby took his empty glass and travelled to the bar. ‘Hey, thanks a lot,’ Aria said, breathing true relief. Ruby turned. She looked her up and down – Aria seemed completely lost and totally out of place.

‘You old enough to be here darling,’ Ruby asked? 

‘Yeah...’ Aria replied, pausing slowly with hesitation. ‘You know Valerie...’ Aria asked? Ruby ignored the remark. Mortals asking questions – they were cause for trouble! Moving off down the bar, Aria followed in pursuit. ‘Valerie,’ Aria repeated, ‘do you know her?’

‘Maybe met her... heard a story is all...’ Ruby answered, avoiding Aria’s eyes.

‘Look it doesn’t matter,’ Aria said, standing in her way, ‘I’m actually here for someone else... a guy, Jack?’

The Innocent Life of Valerie ValeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant