Chapter 27

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Veronica could tell that something was bothering Bonnie. They hadn't really talked, but she hated seeing her upset. Apparently she had broken up with Clyde for some reason.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked.

"Of course!" Bonnie smiled. She didn't want to reveal everything to Veronica. She barely even knew her! She was so friendly though. She was way too nice to be a Heather.

"You sure?"

Bonnie sighed. "No. I just feel terrible about breaking up with Clyde. I can tell how much he's been hurting."

"Why'd you even break up with him? You seemed fine to me."

Bonnie looked down. She didn't want to worry Veronica. "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't know."


"He hit me." Bonnie whispered.


"He slapped me! And he's just been so awful lately. He never listens to a thing I say, and he only cares about himself!" Bonnie said, a little too loudly. All the people within 5 yards heard. That included Clyde. He turned to them, with a look that Bonnie just couldn't decipher. Anger or sadness, she couldn't tell. A bit of both.

"That's not true." He muttered.

"What's not true?" Veronica asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't just care about myself. I care about Bonnie."

"Yeah, and you showed your affection real well!" Veronica shouted, becoming angry. One thing she couldn't just let slide was abuse.

"I made a mistake, okay! I was angry, and I just couldn't hold it in!"

"How do I know you won't do it again? I've seen you get angry plenty of times. You're a jerk. You're more than a jerk, but the words I'd like to use aren't suitable for school."

"You don't know me, Veronica. Get your nose out of our personal business! You aren't a part of any of this."

"I'm just protecting Bonnie from an abusive, psychopathic creep!"

"Have you even met your boyfriend?" Clyde asked. "He's a psychopath if I've ever seen one."

"No he's not!"

"You really think that? Take another look."

"Fine. I'll get out of your drama. But don't you dare insult JD like that again. And don't touch Bonnie ever again."

Clyde said nothing. Veronica stormed out of the lunchroom. Bonnie and Clyde were left in her dust, staring. Tears filled Clyde's eyes.

"Bonnie..." He started. But he had nothing to say. Nothing he could ever say would make her come back to him. Nothing.

"Goodbye, Clyde."

• • •

"Okay Evan, first day at a new school! It's not a problem! You're going to make lots of new friends. People will like you. You won't get shoved or punched or yelled at. It's gonna be great." Evan recited to himself in the mirror. He knew it was fake. No stupid self pep talk could make him feel less terrified.

"Evan, time to go!" His mom shouted from the kitchen. Evan rushed down the stairs. Heidi stood at the bottom, holding his backpack and his lunch. "See you tonight. Have a good day! I love you. I really do. Today will be great. It's a new start!"

"Yeah, sure. I love you too mom." Evan muttered, running out the door.

• • •

"Please promise me we'll be inseparable! I couldn't bear being without you for even a moment." Natasha said, leaning on Sonya in the car.

"You know I can't promise that. We only have 3 classes together." Sonya chuckled. "But I promise to always sit by you at lunch and always talk to you in the halls."

"Fine. I wish we had the same schedule. I hate it here!" Natasha frowned.

"It's not so bad. America is nice!"

"No it isn't. I hate English, it's so hard to learn! And what if nobody likes me?"

"Everybody likes you Natasha."

"Mary doesn't like me."

"Mary is a bore. You're special."

Natasha smiled. "Thank you Sonya."

The car came to a halt.

"Bye girls!" Marya said. The two friends hopped out, arm in arm. "Thank you Marya!" They chimed in unison.

"We can do this." Sonya smiled.

• • •

"A B+! I can't have a B+! I need a scholarship!" Nina crumpled up the history test, throwing it at the wall.

"It's just one test!" the teacher said, attempting to reassure her.

"If I get a B+ on a high school test, I'll fail in college!"

"Nina, it's a great grade! That was a hard test!"

"It isn't a great grade for me..." Nina sighed. She was so worried. What if she never did anything with her life? This B+ could make it or break it! Every single thing she did seemed like a life or death decision! If high school was this stressful, how was she supposed to handle college?

[ Okay, that introduced a LOT of characters that I've been wanting to include. Is there any other musicals you'd like to see involved in this book? ]

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