Chapter 6

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{This story is pretty much just becoming my secret Bonnie/Jack obsession}

Bonnie carefully arranged the pens in her bag, humming softly. She looked up from her backpack to check her hair and saw a face in the mirror.

"Clyde!" she smiled, giving him a quick kiss. Clyde stood there, looking a little shocked.

"What is it?" she asked, reapplying her red lipstick.

"I'm not Clyde."

Bonnie groaned. "Seriously? You're Jack? Oh my god, I cannot believe I just kissed you."

"I liked it." Jack smirked. Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"Alright captain jack, this is the time to make your move."

Jack slowly wrapped his arms around Bonnie's waist, pulling her close to him.

"Woah woah woah. Don't touch me Kelly." Bonnie said, elbowing Jack in the stomach.

"Are you sure you didn't like that kiss?"

"Yep. Now go away."

"Super sure?"

"Yes!" Bonnie sighed, getting annoyed. "Look, I'm used to every other guy hitting on me, telling me how beautiful I am. And believe me, it's not impressive. Now leave me alone."

Jack walked away, disappointed. He supposed feisty was sort of cute. Maybe Bonnie really was out of his league. Then again, Bonnie was out of like, everyone's league.

• • •

Clyde stomped down the hall, angry. He wasn't quite sure why he was angry. Society as a whole basically. He walked past some dude in a black trenchcoat. Kinda goth, but cool.

"Nice coat!" he shouted. "No homo."

"Oh my gosh do guys have to add that to every nice thing they say to another dude? It's not gay to compliment someone!" somebody groaned.  Clyde turned around.

"I don't advise you to be rude to me little lady-"

"I'm not scared of you. Peggy Schuyler." a small girl in a yellow dress said. Clyde raised an eyebrow.

"Clyde Barrow."

"Mhm. Goodbye now." Peggy said, walking off, her brown curls bobbing behind her.

The guy in the trenchcoat walked up to Clyde. "She's not wrong."

"Well, I suppose not..."





JD held out a 7/11 cup. "Want some? No homo." he said, winking.

"No thanks. But we can still talk and stuff." Clyde shrugged. They sat down at the lunch table.

"So, what do you do Clyde?"

"Is rob banks an acceptable answer?"

"Um, might wanna keep that to yourself." JD laughed.

They talked for a while, until Bonnie sat down at the table.

"Clyde I-"

"One second honey, I'm talking to JD." Clyde said, holding a finger to his lips.

Bonnie groaned and leaned her elbow on the table. The two boys talked even more. They had a surprising amount of things in common. Clyde finally finished his conversation with JD and turned to Bonnie.

"What is it Bon-bon?"

"Oh nevermind."

"What is it?"

"Nothing!" Bonnie said a little too loud. Everyone within a two table radius turned to look at her. Bonnie blushed and crumpled up the paper in her hands.

"Fine then, don't tell me. Just don't sit around and watch us talk. It's weird." Clyde said, dismissing her. Bonnie stood up and stormed off. A couple of papers flew out of her binder, but they couldn't be that important.


Clyde finally stopped talking to JD and started walking away when he saw some papers on the floor. He picked them up and glanced at them. Was that a drawing of Bonnie? He stared at it for a few moments. It sure was. Where had it come from? Well he was going to find out, and whoever did draw it was going to be in trouble. Nobody hits on Bonnie.

{Lemme know what you think! I don't own anything}

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