Chapter Fourteen

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Day 25

"Something tells me that we're in trouble." Niall shivered in the cold air of December. They had yet pulled another prank on Eleanor Calder, someone Harry should avoid at all costs but of course everyone on his list was checked off but her and he could not have that. They pulled the classic prank of filling her room with spiders and crickets. After 15 minutes of waiting they heard a shrieking sound. "Done. We can go now." Harry got up and Niall followed, it had just been them two while the rest of the lads were hanging in Louis and Zayn's dorm room. Niall and Harry had claimed they were getting beer, so they stopped by one of the providers on the campus and bought a case before returning to the dorm room.

"Ello lads!" Harry threw his arms in the air and slammed himself onto the three other boys sitting on the transfered couch from Harry's room. "Took you so long?" Liam asked. "Ran into Nick, still accusing us of leaking the room." Harry lied. Niall started blushing at something Zayn had whispered to him followed by Louis wiggling under Harry to get out from under his bone crushing weight. "While you're up and at it Donny, please get me a beer." Louis walked over to the counter and got two beers, one for him and one for Zayn since he was the only one who asked. "Thanks mate, I 'ppreciate it loads." Zayn pressed the tip of to the bottle to his lips and took a swig.

All the boys were now drinking and laughing and it seemed to be the time of their lives. "You two have got to be the cutest." Niall said while he looked at Louis and Harry who were wrapped in each others arms. "I agree mate, you two just seem so infatuated with each other." Louis giggled and Harry started thanking Liam and Niall. "Do you remember in our first year, when Niall transfered?" Liam asked. "As clear as a blue sky." Harry slurred. Niall laughed his head off at the memory of him falling on top of Liam his first day. "I remember Donny's first day, I met him naked, nothing but a towel covering the lower region." Zayn erupted in a fit of laughter and Louis face turned into a deep shade of red. "S'that true babe? He met you naked?" Louis nodded his head and bit on his bottom lip. "It was hot and I was dirty and I forgot my clothes outside..."

Soon all the boys fell asleep, Zayn on the couch Liam and Niall on the floor and Harry and Louis on Zayn's bottom bunk.

"Louis, Zayn wake up!" Someone was banging on the door, all the boys grumbled, Louis stumbled over the sleeping bodies on the floor before he reached the door. "Eleanor?" Eleanor looked angry, and Louis had a feeling that the boys got angry people coming to their doors a lot. "Louis, I need to talk to you." Louis looked back and saw all the boys sleeping, Harry had moved since Louis left but that was normal. "Okay..." Louis closed the door behind him and followed Eleanor into the hall. "You need to put your boyfriend on a leash." Eleanor growled. "I stayed up all night screaming my lungs off because of him. Last night he put spiders and crickets in my room." Eleanor waited for Louis response but all she got was a yawn. "Louis Tomlinson say something! He needs to be controlled. I'm sick and tired of his jokes, he crossed the line at Nick, and I can't believe you joined him. That was sick but I knew you did it for Zayn so I'm letting you off with a warning, but if Harry keeps this going, everyone will turn against him."

"I can't stop him Eleanor. I don't know how. It's Harry, that's what he does." Eleanor pushed Louis against the wall. "If you don't stop him I will." She let go of Louis and stormed off. Louis went back to the dorm and closed the door. "What's up?" He saw Zayn at the kitchen counter drinking a cup of coffee. "Uh- y'know the phone rang. It was my mum." Zayn nodded his head clearly seeing through Louis lie. "Didn't hear the phone." Zayn said after a sip. "Yeah, well you were passed out."

"No, I heard Eleanor knocking on the door, seemed pissed, what's up?" Louis went to the counter and made himself a cup of coffee. "He and Niall made a stop at her dorm before they went to get our beer, they filled her room with crickets and spiders. It's absolutely ridiculous on why he would lie."

"Well Louis, it's Harry, what else do you expect?" Louis sighed as a response. "How do you keep up with this?"


Day 30

"If you can't deal with me then why bother dating me!" Harry yelled at Louis. "It's not that I can't deal with you, it's your actions, sometimes you just make stupid decisions and you stick to them. That whole thing with Nick was a stupid act on my part. I should've never agreed to it, but you lying Eleanor was terrible, and you lying about going out with Ed was stupid too!" This was one of their first fights, Louis had finally confronted Harry about his pranks and Harry wasn't taking it too well because who was Louis to walk into his life and tell him to stop.

"I don't care if everyone turns against me Louis, that's why I have Liam, Niall and Zayn!" Louis looked reinstated, gob smacked, taken back. "And how about me?! I stood by you through tough times Harry, was I just a little toy you went to when you felt lonely?! Or when you needed an extra for a prank. Was that all I was to you?!" Harry took a step closer to Louis " 'was that all I was to you?' seriously Louis. I told you my biggest secret. I can't believe you would even-seriously Louis, I just-no. You're the first person-you know what forget it. If you can't deal with how I do things maybe we should just call it quits."

"That's it? You're going to give up just like that? You're not even going to try and look at it from my point of view. You're just going to 'call it quits'? Just like that?" Louis backed away from Harry this time, trying to fight back his tears. "You can't come into my life and try to change me Louis. It's not fair, I don't change for anyone."

"You could try, for me." Louis whispered. "Goodbye Harry." Louis walked towards the door but Harry called out to him. "Is this it for us?" Louis didn't know what to say, he was half was out the door, he didn't want to leave Harry, he just wanted to cuddle with Harry on the bed and forget everything. "Isn't that what you want?" Louis asked, finally calmed down. "No..." Louis next words came out broke, he finally broke "I don't know what you want Harry. I just don't-I don't know. I don't want to lose you, I just-no. I don't want" He started crying, his short sobs made him barely understandable. "Louis-" Harry ran towards Louis and hugged him. "Please don't ever leave me." Harry mumbled into Louis hair. "Please."

"Promise me you'll still be here when I wake up?" Harry asked, while carrying Louis to the bed. "I'll still be here when you wake up."



"I'm sorry Louis." Harry said before he met the sound of Louis light snores.

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