Every time my phone rang I would think it would be Jace calling me back, but it wasn’t it all concerned business. Beginning to feel slightly hopeless I did the one thing I knew would get me answers. Asking around the clubhouse got me questioning looks but it was a desperate act on my part so it hadn’t mattered to me. 

It was nearly midnight not a word from Jace and from what I had gathered around the club he had taken off with one of Kasey’s girls. The description they had given me had been a girl about 5’4 with brown hair and blonde highlights. They weren’t sure of her name but they thought it was Lucy or Luc.

When chatting it up with them they told me that he was obviously giving her a good welcoming the whole time I kept my poker face on. On the outside it was a funny story to me but in the inside I was boiling over with anger. 

I get that I’m a lot to handle and can be dramatic but what happened today was nothing for him to go and run off with the first girl who had thrown themselves at him. He couldn’t have just picked up some random whore no he went for someone that just had to be part of the Red Dragons.

This girl would be working with me how was I supposed to look at her and not want to kill her? That was besides me in my head I knew that it would be wrong and prove that I truly had no self control over my emotions. 

My body was craving that rush though the feel of the adrenaline pumping through me as it took me to a new high. It was a feeling that had my body feeling alive like nothing else could.

The only other time I had felt that was when Jace had kissed me earlier that day but it was the first and last time I would feel something like that. That was done with he made that clear tonight showing me his true colors

I laid in my bed that night all sleep was forgotten as those silent tears spilled over and I quietly sobbed to myself. When the sun shined down brightly through the window my eyes were dry from the crying. Peeling then open looking to the clock it read 6:25 am in bright red.

Getting up I went to the bathroom to look at the mirror small bags were under my eyes which were completely bloodshot the veins a bright red. After brushing my teeth and washing my face it didn’t look so bad but what stood out was the blank look in my eyes.

When I had woken up this morning I was numb like there wasn’t anything left in me. It pained me to accept Jace’s word last night but it was what was best in the end I may have not liked how he went about it. Things could have been done differently but what was done was done there wasn’t any turning back now. 

Deciding best to take a shower I felt my body relax against the hot water as it ran down my body. When coming out the bathroom was full of steam from the hot water my body was slightly red because of how hot it had been.

Wrapping a towel around my body and hair I walked towards my closet to pick out something to wear. Going straight for a simple look I picked out some black skinny jeans, along with a plain black long sleeved t-shirt. 

Getting dressed quickly pulling on some black socks I laced up my black combat boots that were just under my knee. Grabbing my vest I pulled it on over my long sleeve walked toward my side dresser. Opening the first drawer I pulled out my desert eagle checking that the safety was on it was tucked behind my back in between my jean waistband.

Taking my cell phone I turned it on putting it in my front pocket closing the drawer I stepped back. Going back into the bathroom I blow dried my hair before coming it back into a nice, tight, and high ponytail. Before walking out of the room I grabbed the duffel bag from the night before along with my shades and car keys.

Just as I was about to make my way out of the room when there were some sounds of feet shuffling against the floor. It was just outside of my door along with the small shushing sound without thinking the bag fell to the floor. Reaching behind my back gun in hand I swung my door open to only be completely surprised.

There stood a very good looking who had to be at least maybe 5’11 right around 6’0 the least with wide broad shoulders. He was light skinned but tanned it was a good color he had dark brown hair that was spiked up with dark brown eyes that reminded me on someone.

All in all he was handsome but that didn’t explain why the hell in was in my house though. “Who the hell are you? And why the hell are you in my house?” I question him. My gun still in hand I pulled the safety off as I pointed it to his chest.

He dropped the brown box he had been holding his hand up in the air in surrender. “Hold on a minute now don’t shoot me what’s a pretty lady like you doing holding a gun anyway?” he said giving me a once over nodding as if he approved.

Taking a step forward I held the gun tighter putting my finger on the trigger his eyes followed my action but stood his ground. “Start talking or I’ll shoot you your choice pretty boy” I said.

“So you think I’m pretty?” he asked cocking his head to the side a lop sided grin on his face. Scrunching my face together I rolled my eyes the guy had a gun pointed at him and he thought it was time to make a joke. Who the hell was he and was he suicidal?

“I’m going to ask you again for your sake I suggest you answer it” I said slightly annoyed but amused at the same time by this mysterious stranger. 

“The names John what about you sweetheart?” he questioned me. Raising an eyebrow at him was he seriously wow maybe he was stupid. My face showed my shock just as I was about to answer him footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. Taking a step back I kept my eyes on this John guy while looking over his shoulder to see who it was.

Maybe he wasn’t alone with that thought it was all seriousness but to my distaste it was Jace looking at me with wide eyes. “What the hell are you doing Lexi?” he yelled at me. Grinding my teeth together I chose to ignore him turning my attention to John.

“I send you up here to get a few boxes and your standing there like an idiot with a gun pointed to her chest. How stupid are you?” he asked shocked with a hint of amusement in his voice. Now I was confused this whole situation was weird.

“John you know this guy?” I questioned him pointing my gun towards Jace. John looked next to him where he stood and nodded his head. Putting the safety back on I pulled the gun tucking it behind my back once again.

“For a second there I thought you were going to shoot me” he said bluntly after dropping his hands back to his side. Making a face I looked at him seriously.

“I was going to shoot you” 

“She was going to shoot you” 

Jace and I said at the same time rolling my eyes I didn’t even bother looking at him. “So you want to tell me why you were pointing a gun to my brother?” Jace asked me. The curiosity was clear in his eyes as when he had first walked into the scene. 

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