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Wake up.

You need to go.

A sharp pain came from my thigh,

making me snap my eyes open.

The sun only made the feeling in my head worse

and I knew that I must've drank way too much yesterday.


I closed my eyes again

only for the guy to nudge my leg again.

Come on, you need to go.

Party's over.

Reaching my hands up to rub my temples,

I slowly sat up.

Thank God.

The guy muttered

and I glanced up in time to see him throwing something towards me.

These might help,

but you need to go now.

I picked up the sunglasses he tossed at me

before allowing him to help me up.


I mumbled,

and not a moment later,

I was already making my way through the gates of the back yard,

the flimsy sunglasses now resting on my nose.

The area around me was fairly familiar,

but my memory of the other night was foggy.

I felt kind of...


And I had no idea why.

The sun was hiding behind the clouds now,

making it a bit easier to focus.

And barely a second later

I noticed a park that I used to go to.

Before Daniel died, at least.

Thoughts of him immediately dampened my mood

and it was at that time that pieces from last night

flashed inside my head.

My steps faltered

as I remembered Virginia's lips,

as I remembered her trailing hands

and her drunken laugh.

Defeat sank all of my hope

as I remembered her with that guy,

as I remembered her drunken smile

while he dragged her up the stairs.

Memories of her at the party kept replaying in my head.

And it might've been hours later,

or maybe just a few moments passed.

I had made it home.


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