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I sat in the library with my textbook open.

Words sprawled across my notebook

as I took notes on the history of the United States.

It was of no use, honestly,

since I'm pretty sure the history they're teaching us

is exaggerated and only pieces

of those true events.

But grades are important,

I've learned.

And bad grades

don't get you into college.

No college

means a bad job.

And underrepresented jobs

with uneducated employees

is the absolute failure

for someone living in America.

Nobody wants a stupid, useless wife.

Nobody wants a dumb mother.

They only want success

and to be successful.

They only want what's best;

they only want what's normal.


| If you've read this far, then I can't express how grateful I am. Seriously, thank you so much guys. But if you all could do me a favor, please swing by my message board and read the message I just posted (March 11th, 2017). It's really important. RIP Sam ♡ |

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