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The next morning,

I stood by the main gym

with a thick pair of sweats on,

and a faded t-shirt covering my torso.

The clock just struck 5:53,

and it wasn't until then that Virginia showed up.

Black leggings outlined her legs

while a baggy t-shirt hid her stomach.

My breath hitched at her flushed cheeks,

and my insides squirmed when our eyes met.

She beamed

before throwing down her bag.

Taking out two pairs of gloves,

she jogged over to me

and handed me a pair.

Good morning, Sarah.

And at her words,

sweat started staining my forehead.

Or maybe it was from the lack of air conditioning.


I muttered,

as I took the glove she offered,

before slipping it onto my left hand.

Soon enough,

the varsity coaches rounded up all the girls.

Tryouts had officially started,

and I'm glad to say

the enthralling feeling of playing this sport again

excited me to no end.

Maybe if Daniel was still alive,

he'd like baseball, too.


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