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Here's my number.

I don't know how your parents are going to take it,

but if you ever need someone to talk to,

you can always call me, okay?

I took in a deep breath.

Thank you.

Taking the slip of paper from Lucas,

I climbed out of his car

before quietly entering my house.

I barely closed the door when my mom's voice

cut through the air.


She emerged from the kitchen

and was soon standing right in front of me.

Do you have any idea what time it is?

You had us worried sick!

Dad walked out from behind mom;

disappointment painted his face.



He spoke darkly.

Lowering my head

I followed after them.

Their penetrating stares cut through my skin

as I sat down.

What's gotten into you, Sarah?

First you're sulking around,

depressed about a boy you didn't even know

and now you're out way past curfew

doing God knows what!

You didn't even give us a single call or text

telling us where you were.

Rubbing my hand up and down my arm,

I whispered,

I'm sorry.


My mom scoffed.

You come home at two in the morning smelling like weed,

and you're saying sorry?

I folded my arms across my chest while sinking further

into my seat.

I didn't do anything, mom.

There were a few people smoking it at the party,

but I swear I didn't touch it.

¿Una fiesta?

My dad cut in.

With pot?

Are you kidding me, Sarah?

I didn't even do any-

Oh don't you dare lie to us.

Dad's voice was deep and echoed through the room.

He was absolutely furious.

I clenched my hands together.

The skin on the palm of my hands broke

and a drop of blood filled my nail.

I'm not lying to you.

Lost Girl | 2 ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz