I was young in age but I knew what it felt to loose someone you love because it had happened to me. That’s what made me the way I was today and for that reason I knew better. This was what made me come to my decision in the end it was what’s best.

Pulling up to the house my heart was beating heard and fast in my chest blocking out the sound as it echoed in my ear. The blood was racing in my veins from the rush every step I took brought me closer and closer till the door was directly in front of me. 

The newly replaced door was exactly like the old one even the new locks had that new shine to them. The key felt heavy in my hand like holding a twenty-five pound dumbbell with just your three middle fingers. It slid into the slot smoothly turning it making a small click as the door unlocked. 

The doorknob in hand turning, it opened quietly giving the full view of the living room where no one was in sight. There was a silence to the house that would make you think it was empty but I knew better. They were both here it was the early morning hours where the sun hadn’t even began to rise yet.  

Closing the door behind me I stood patiently waiting for them to come down as I knew they would. The clicking clock was the only sound heard for what felt like minutes, was actually only a few seconds. 

Above me the sound of soft footsteps went through my ears. The sound of a bedroom door opening and closing, followed by the small creaks of the staircase steps. Lexi appeared before me.

Her long black hair was flowing in small waves down her back the red highlights still fully visible. There was a small frown on her pale pink lips as she took me in her head cocking to the side a questioning look on her face. 

A shiver ran up her body causing her to slightly shake and wrap her arms around herself to keep warm. Fully taking in her tall and thin frame she stood in a small gray camisole with soft cotton black, white, and gray plaid shorts with a pair of thin white socks. 

All sleep was gone from her face as we stood in quietness staring at each other neither one of us speaking first. Taking a step towards her a deep breath went through my lungs puffing out my chest as it went out my mouth. Before any words could leave my mouth she looked me up and down an emotion flashed through eyes so quickly that I couldn’t register it. 

Lexi’s whole demeanor changed as she straightened up no longer slouching her back as her arms hung loosely by her side. Running a hand through my hair I was mentally scolding myself for just standing there. I knew what I wanted to say but here I was frozen in my place at her sight. 

“Lexi” my voice came deeper then intended to as my eyes roamed over her body taking in her beauty. She kept quiet till my eyes landed on her deep green ones that captivated mines. 

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