"Found her."


"Victoria!" Keenan yelled, running towards the dying Summer Queen as she lay in a patch of snow in an abandoned warehouse.

Keenan attempted furiously to revive the girl he fell in love with. What he didn't know was that Beira watched in the shadows, eyes narrowed as her son knelt next to the girl.

Keenan placed his lips firmly over Tori's, breathing the essence of summer into her body- allowing her to heal.

Beira growled as Tori healed, groaning and holding her head as Keenan sighed in relief and hugged her close to his chest.

Beira stepped out of the shadows- the Summer Queen was still alive; but she would make it her business to kill her, and Keenan.

"Beira" Keenan growled, blocking Tori's body protectively from her view.

"Keenan; darling." she drawled, her eyes cold.

"Leave- or I will tear your head off."

Beira chuckled softly- her voice echoing in the frigid air.

"Really, son? Is that any way to speak to your mummy?" she taunted

Keenan took the bait- infuriated.

"You are not my mother!" he yelled, pushing Biera to the ground with a punch

Beira growled and blew into Keenan's face, sealing his eyes shut with ice. Keenan yelled out in pain, kneeling on the ground- trying to get the ice off of his eyes.

Beira stood up and kicked Keenan in the face, sending his sprawling onto his back, holding his face in pain. He still couldn't see.

Tori groaned in pain again, holding her head with her hands in attempt to clear her blurred vision- she could see a blurred Keenan on his hands and knees.

Keenan cried out in pain again as Beira kicked him in the stomach, flipping him onto his back again.

"Stop-" Tori wimpered in pain

Beira chuckled humorlessly

"Don't worry dear, you'll join him soon enough."

Tori growled weakly, failing to sit up properly. Beira ignored her, continuing her assault on Keenan, who was running out of energy to fight back.


Keenan's POV

Beira hit me in the face again, and pain exploded in my nose as it broke. I groaned in pain- I wouldn't be able to take much more. My own 'mother' was about to kill me, and then she would kill... Tori! I couldn't let her die! My fault... it's all my fault.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the final blow- the one to finally kill me.

A metallic screech pierced my ears, followed by a heavy thud. My eyes snapped open, coming face to face with Beira- her eyes open in shock.

I groaned in pain, sitting up slowly while holding my head to stop the wave of dizziness that quickly overwhelmed me. I opened my eyes again, looking at Biera's body again. A silver dagger was embedded into her back- in line with her heart.

"How-?" I whispered

I heard a chuckle. "I couldn't let her kill you, now could I?"

"But you ran-"

"I'm not a murderer; I'm a delinquent- there's a difference" Tori replied, a frown in her voice.

"I-" I couldn't finish my sentence. "Where'd you get that dagger?"

I heard a sigh of relief.

"It's Beira's. I snuck up behind her, took it, and stabbed her."

I let out a relieved chuckle, dragging myself to lie next to her. She rested her head on my chest. I wrapped her in my arms, content.

Together, we waited to be found.



"I still think you're a bastard."

Damn it.


YAY!! It's finished!!! Woooo!

I'm soooo happy! Another book completed!

Now, I'm going to concentrate on completing Potter's Malfoy! YAY!

Anyways, thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting on this story- I'm always happy to hear from you!

Love you all, my lovvies!



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