The One

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  • Dedicated to Andy- my gymnastics coach...

Keenan's POV

Twist after turn after jump- amazingly scary... Woah. I look over to Niall, who was staring too.

"Maybe you should talk to her- put on a glamor and approach her, m'lord."

I looked over to him and nodded "Thanks Niall"

I donned my glamour and walked over, standing next to the bars as she prepared for her next routine.

She reached for the bucket of chalk behind me, and I picked it up and gave it to her. Her piercing blue eyes glanced at me and she smiled.


"It's alright. You're Tori, right?"

She frowned slightly, but covered it up almost instantly. "Um, how did you?"

"Your friends are pretty loud" I chuckled

She relaxed and nodded, walking up to the bars.


Once done she rolled her shoulders and walked back over to me. I smiled and held out my hand. She shook it and sat down next to me.

"So, what's your name?"

"Keenan" Yes! She's interested!

"You from around here? I haven't seen you 'round school..." she trailed off

Ok, it seems I'm starting mortal school tomorrow... But she's worth it.

"Just moved here. Long story."

She nodded. "When you start?"


"Oh, well, see you then."

She got up and walked back to her friends- who, as usual- were staring at me.

What?! It's not my fault I'm inhumanly hot...

I shed my glamour and walked over to Niall.

He raised an eyebrow.

"She's the one." I confirmed.

Now she just had to fall for me- and let me turn her. OR I could trick her and let her learn to like me... she's got attitude- I'll the first, if it fails, then the second option. I couldn't fail. Not with her...

She's The One...

Keenan's QueenWhere stories live. Discover now