A Week?!

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Tori's POV

The next day

I opened my eyes, yawning and stretching. I stopped when my elbow hit something behind me. I frowned and turned- realising I had fallen asleep with Keenan. I sighed, moving closer to his body- loving the Summer warmth of his skin.

Keenan tightened his grip on my waist, opening his eyes. I grinned as he crashed his lips to mine, quickly deepening the kiss. His warm hands ran down my body as my hands found his gold hair. I pulled away.

"That's one thing only Summer can give you." he said huskily.

I rolled my eyes, remembering what I wanted to ask.

"When's the Summer Solstice?"

"Next Saturday. Everything has been organised- we don't need to worry."

I stared at him. "A WEEK?! I'm sixteen Keenan! Sixteen! You could have given me more warning!"

He sighed. "I'm seventeen Tori. So what?"

"It may be normal where you come from- but I grew up in a world where you get married when you're in your 20's or older!"

"Maybe! But you are here now! In the Summer Court, especially with monarchs; we get married young! It gives us power, and more energy!"

"Keenan! You didn't think to tell me this before, or would you have told me on the day?"

He stayed silent for a while.

"You belong here Keenan- I don't." I said quietly- close to tears

"At least I belong somewhere other than juvy." Keenan snapped.

I looked at him, shocked.

He took a step towards me, his face upset. I stepped back.

"Tori, I'm sor-"

I cut him off. "No. Your not. Just- just leave me alone."

He glanced at me, looking guilty- but nodding once. He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I backed up against a wall, and slid down it until I was on the floor; my head on my knees. I started sobbing.

Keenan's POV

I closed the door to our room, leaned against the wall my head in my hands.

I sat for hours before I checked the time. It was eleven. I stood up and opened the door to our room. I walked in and looked around- spotting her asleep in the corner, curled up in a ball with her hands on her knees.

I sighed, feeling really guilty. Walking over, I picked her up bridal style and placing her on the bed. I walked to the other side of the bed, climbing in and pulling my fiance close to my body facing me.

I frowned and wiped away the tear stains on her cheeks; kissing her lightly on the forehead, cheeks, nose and finally her lips.

"I love you Victoria. I'm so sorry..." I whispered before I fell asleep.


Yay it's up!

Sorry I left on a sour note but the next chapter should be up in a month.

Until then...




Keenan's QueenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang