time to go home

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Fresh out of high school

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Fresh out of high school. Fresh out of the world of drama. It's been several months since I left Montana and moved here to Palm Springs. Now it was time, time for me to go back to the place in my life that caused me a lot of chaos. It's time to go to the place I used to call home. Thompson Falls, Montana is the place I was born and grew up in, but now after several months away I'm not so sure how homely it'll feel. Montana will always hold a special place in my heart, but after everything that happened there I'm not so sure that's where I want to stay. Palm Springs has become a home for me, one filled with friends who care and a life worth living.

"Temp... Temp!... Tempest!!!" my friend, Jane Brown, yells trying to get my attention. I blink my dark blue eyes attempting to get out of the place I was in and look at Jane, who does not look impressed. Her chocolate skin matches well with her supposedly ugly uniform, her black hair hanging freely at the moment straightened to contain her natural wildness.

"Sorry Jane, I've been busy figuring out some personal stuff," I say, only giving a brief response to my zoning out. She furrows her eyebrows at my answer, her brown eyes sharpening.

"What's going on?" she asks, pushing the situation to which I only shrug.

"I'm going back to my hometown," I reply with little interest, throwing a hand through my light brown short hair. She raises her eyebrows in disbelief. "It's time for me to fix some problems I ran away from."

"Wow, THE Tempest has problems she hasn't dealt with yet? That's hard to believe," she states with a smirk. I roll my eyes at her and she laughs. "Have you told Boss yet?" she asks after she sobers up. With a sigh, immediately she can tell I haven't. She shakes her head at me. "You know he'll be mad, considering how important you are to him."

My response to that is a sigh because I know she's right. "I know, I know. I'll talk to him before I go, plus it's not like I'm gonna be gone for long," I explain while looking at our surroundings. She nods while stepping on the cigarette that was in her mouth. She blows out smoke and checks her phone.

"Well, my break is over. I'll text you when I'm done with work and we'll hang out before you go," she states and I nod in agreement. Before she goes she says, "In the meantime, you should probably hit up the boss, and talk to your little boy toy, Daniel."

She slips away before I can object to her word choice. I roll my eyes and hop on my motorcycle while texting my boss asking if we can talk. He replies with a brief 'sure' and I start on my way to the office. When I reach the office, I stride in without knocking, which the boss hates me for doing. I stand in front of him with a smirk and crossed arms. He looks up at me and lets out a sigh, probably thinking that I'm never going to learn to knock. Which I won't.

My boss is a middle aged man, aging like fine wine as he likes to say. He's slightly taller than six feet, but doesn't tower over me much despite how much he slouches. His dark hair is slowly beginning to gray. He has caramel skin, being somewhat muscular but not super bulky. His dark eyes are intimidating, but I've gotten used to them. After learning his cues, I've managed to be able to read him quite well. He's never pleased with much, but trusts me to get my job done.

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