family dinner

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My father texted me this morning

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My father texted me this morning. Yes, I may have given him my number when I saw him last but I wasn't really expecting him to text me or call me ever. The text he sent this morning was him asking if I would come by for a family dinner. I can't say I'm overly excited for dinner with my father and his new wife, plus Axel. If anything I'm getting deja vu of our last "family" dinner. However, I told myself I would give my father the chance to be a father. Nonetheless I still called Daniel to talk to him about it to ease my worries.

"I think it'll be good for you to really have a conversation with your father," Daniel says from the other side of the phone. I lean my head back on my couch and let out a big sigh. My legs are pulled up to sit criss-cross as I hold my phone to my ear.

"I know, but I don't want to have another argument with him. I'm tired of arguing."

"I understand that Temp, but I really think you need this. You need some sort of relationship with your last living relative." He's not lying about my father being my last living relative. My mother's parents died when I was little, I sort of remember going to their funeral. Then my father's parents died before I was born. I don't have any uncles and aunts which probably is why I'm an only child as well. My father and mother thought I would grow up fine with no siblings. Even if Axel is technically my step brother, I will never consider him one. I will never consider Anna as a mother. I refuse and not just because of my loyalty to my mother, but I really don't like Anna. I don't see her as a motherly figure. Someone could say I just need to get to know her, but I have no interest in doing so. Soon enough I won't even be around to get to know her. So what's the point?

"I just hope it goes well," I tell Daniel, running a hand through my hair. He starts to respond, but my doorbell rings, cutting him off. "Sorry Daniel, let me check to see who's at the door."

Hearing a hum in response, I get up to walk over to the door. Swinging the door open reveals my one and only stepbrother. He gives me a sheepish smile while I look at him confused. After saying a brief goodbye to Daniel, I follow Axel into my living room. He sits on a single chair while I take my place back on the couch. I give him an expectant look as he looks at me silently.

"My mother says Evan invited you for dinner," he finally speaks up, breaking eye contact briefly to look at his hands that are clasped together. I nod stiffly, not sure why he's bringing this up. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay with that."

"I mean it's not a completely appealing offer, but I'm willing to join you guys for the sake of my relationship with my father." I break eye contact to bring my legs back up to sit criss cross. When my eyes meet Axel's, he's looking at me quizzically. "I just don't want it to end like it did the last time."

"You and me both," he mutters under his breath, almost unheard.

We sit in silence a while longer, broken gazes and silent thoughts. His brown hair is outgrown. His brown eyes are the same dark chocolate color. He's the same, but different. Several months feels like multiple years. It makes me wonder what goes on in his head or what goes on in everyone's head. What makes people who they are, alters their minds.

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