dance the night away

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Axel had reached out about meeting up to talk again

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Axel had reached out about meeting up to talk again. He mentioned some of the boys would be there, I'm not sure if that means all of them or just one. We will find out. I told them to meet me around four o'clock at a café nearby. I'm driving to the café in my Jeep as the summer breeze blows through my hair. The summer is already passing so fast, especially now that my friends have left and I have nothing to do, but be by myself. Obviously we still all talk a lot, but they are back to their lives and still very busy with whatever it is they all do. Since my injury is still healing, I put on a simple white oversized tee, black biker shorts, Nike crew socks, and white New Balance sneakers. My hair is down since it's still rather short and my sunglasses are blocking the sun from my eyes.

The café comes into view as I pull into the parking lot. Minnie's Montana Café reads on the sign, it's small and cute with a woodsy feel to it. As much as I loved Palm Springs, Montana will always hold a special place in my heart. Its sheer beauty, from its natural landscape to the cute little stores and restaurants, was one to truly appreciate. When I walk in I find the boys already sitting in a booth together so I walk over to join them. Immediately Ashton catches my gaze or at least I catch his as my sunglasses are still sitting on my nose, his facial expression one I can't quite recognize. Pushing my sunglasses up to rest on my head, I give them all a small smile.

"Hi," I greet standing awkwardly in front of them, their gazes piercing me through and through. However, I don't think it's meant in a judgmental way. I think they're all just trying to figure this whole situation out. Which is what I'm doing too. I just want to know if this is all a waste of time or not.

"Hey," Axel is the first to respond as he sits closest to me. "You can sit next to me."

Once I'm sitting, a waitress comes by to ask what we all would like to drink. Majority of us ask for water, while a couple of the boys ask for some sorta soda. She walks away with a smile once she writes those all down. It's silent for a few seconds before anyone speaks up again.

"We're sorry," Axel blurts from next to me. My eyes search his own for any give away that he may be lying or anything else to make me not believe him, but there's nothing. "We know there's not much we can say or do to fix what's occurred in the past, but we all have plans to help make our relationship with you better. We all want to get to know you properly and not forcefully if you'll let us. We all plan to properly apologize in our own ways for what we've said and done in the past to hurt you."

My gaze leaves his as I study all of the other expressions. Hunter and Blaze aren't here, but that doesn't surprise me. They are the last two guys I would ever want to talk to. Jaden, Mason, Axel, and Ashton are really the only ones I ever enjoyed spending time with. They each look genuine. Jaden looks like a vulnerable puppy who's just looking for a friend to keep him company. Mason looks genuinely upset with himself. For what? I'm not so sure. Axel is hard to decipher, he has a look of confusion but I've never known Axel to be one to lie about his feelings. Ashton, however, looks at me with a look I haven't seen before like he has so much to say but doesn't know how or if he should say it.

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