"You're sorry?" I repeated dumbfoundedly. Never in my life did I expect Nick to apologize to me.

"Yes, I have realized my... my wrong?" he tried.

Very convincing Nick....

I frowned and crossed my arms in front of me. "Wow, you really sound sincere."

"You're being sarcastic aren't you?" Nick sighed.

I gave him a look that said 'no shit'.

"I'm trying okay," Nick groaned. "If I were to put myself in your shoes, I would hate me too, so I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Okay... we were getting somewhere.

"As well, I don't think you killed me, despite how intimidating you try to look. It's almost cute, you are so small and you try to brew a fire, but its more like a spark--" Nick stopped upon realizing my dark glare. "Yeah, so I hope you didn't kill me? So, uh-- am I forgiven? Can I go into the light now?"

I calmed my nerves and thought about it. If I forgive Nick, he is out of my hair for good, despite not wanting to forgive him. "Yeah sure, you're forgiven, just leave me alone."

"Nice," Nick grinned. He looked up to the ceiling. "God? I'm ready to go now."

I waited to see the miracle of afterlife, but after a few moments nothing happened other than the first bell ringing. I tried slipping past the glum looking Nick who was still staring at the ceiling hopefully. I finally slipped out the bathroom only to hear Nick swear and follow me. Why god?! Take him!

"Eva! It didn't work! You weren't sincere enough with your apology!" he complained.

"Did you really expect it to be sincere? After years and years of torment?" I glared at him. I didn't think I would ever be able to forgive him. Nick looked guilty and shook his head. He was still following me. "I thought we made a deal that you'd leave me alone?"

People looked at me, whispering to each other as to who I was talking to.

"But I am still here!" he groaned.

"Not my fault God doesn't want you either," I mumbled under my breath, but Nick heard according to his insulted gasp.

"Eva!" he scorned me. "You will learn to forgive me!"

I highly doubted that.

"Maybe you can start by not talking to me when I am surrounded by people? Everyone thinks I'm an insane murderer," I whispered to him. Nick nodded his head motioned zipping his lips and throwing away the key.

I walked into math class and Nick followed. I widened my eyes looking at him. "Why are you following me?"

Nick pointed to his mouth motioning he couldn't speak. I scowled at him which made him sheepishly smile. "Why can't I follow you?"

Um hello?!

"Despite it being freaky?" I whisper-yelled.

"Do you think ghosts are real?"

"Who else could she be talking to?"

"Should we tell a teacher?"

Nick pointed towards the whisperers and back to his sealed lips, he then pointed at me. "Maybe it's you who should keep the talking to a minimum, I mean after all no one could hear me."

I angrily marched to my seat throwing my books on the table earning a scared look from those around me. Nick came and sat in the empty seat in front of me like he usually did every morning to ask for my homework.

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