Fun facts

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These are facts that you may or may not know about Akihiko and Midori. Also facts about the book.


1. I didn't know her name meant green in Japanese until I searched it up.

2. No one knows how she survived the journey from Konohagakure to the Kirigakure except for Sasuke, Kabuto, and the Mizukage.

3. Once Midori had to fight Nanami as a test to see if she had all of her clan's kekkei genkei and lost, that's when Nanami lost all respect for Midori.

4. Midori used a special jutsu she created herself to lock away some emotions in her books and also created a jutsu to lock chakra into those books. In total she's created three jutsus, all involving writing or a book. So she created three jutsus before the age of 20, two being by the age of 10 making her the youngest ninja to create more than one jutsu in the same year.

5. In Konoha she always smiled to her elders and older people except her clan members. She always shows respect unless someone didn't show respect first.

6. In the Tuchimaru clan it is said "A Tuchimaru who can lead despite their differences and feuds, and can even lead other clans in chaos is a true leader and should never be seen as weak." this lead to the clan to have respect for Midori, now reffering to her as Nidori.

7. Some of her siblings still hate her.

8. It is said that when a Tuchimaru is pregnant their senses increase and the sense of a mother forms. Once the mother senses kicks in the female Tuchimaru usually goes with her first thought rather than thinking something out when it comes down to the father.

9. Midori is only half related to her siblings, her mother cheated with another Tuchimaru said to be strong, once she found out Midori wasn't the strongest out of her siblings she ordered him to be killed. That's why Midori is more pale than her siblings.

10. Midori is a horrible singer and can only make rice and scrambled eggs.

11. The number of missing nin has decreased thanks to Midori helping hunter nin capture and arrest the less harmful ones and killing the major ones. But there are still some missing nin.


1. His brothers died in the war.

2. He is an amazing singer and would sing Midoko and Midori to sleep.

3. Akihiko chose to name Midoko after their ship name that Kana made when they were still genin.

4. Akihiko reverted back to his old self, constantly placing kisses on Midori while always kissing Midoko when she shows her grades and when she improves in training.

5. He still is upset about that guy "raping" Midori and promises if he sees him to have someone put him in a genjutsu where he gets it in the butt.

6. He is noted to be the most handsome man in Kiri.

7. He has donated money to orphanages and has helped many couples who couldn't have kids adopt and given them the funds to raise the child.

8. He is an excellent cook and learned from his mom and stepmom.

9. When he first saw Midori he thought she was an orphan by the way she was dressed.

10. Akihiko's name was going to be Hikari: meaning light. The reason why I wanted to name him that is because he is the bright side of the relationship and is always so energetic while Midori is the calmer side.

11. Akihiko want really suppose to have red eyes, his eyes were suppose to be the same color as Midori's hair.

Now for the book itself!

1. The cover is the symbol of the Tuchimaru clan, the hand is suppose to be Midori's.

2. The original title was not suppose to be "a weakling, huh?" but I didn't really see fanfic titles with a question and when I did it didn't really make that much sense to me, so I made my own.

3. I used the 5th Mizukage because I like the idea of a female leader, which is the reason why I made there more women leaders shown than men leaders.

4. I didn't write Kirigakure's bad side because I already read those sides, they never showed the good/middle or high class of it, I felt like I would have just been writing another story about a kid who ends up in an orphanage for the rest of their childhood in Kirigakure and it wouldn't have worked out right.

5. I got the idea of having a bunch of siblings from my experience with my own siblings. Since I'm the youngest and I have a different mother than them they ignore me and my sister on that side doesn't really like me, well they all don't but she doesn't like me the most (yet I'm compared to her in every way). But I also got the adopted family part from my mom side, my mom thought she couldn't have kids (similar to Kina) so she adopted a child, then my dad came in and did the thing and I came out, so I made Midori similar to me but then again she isn't since I haven't been abused or felt abandoned.

6. All of these OCs were originally marysues and garysues In my old stories that I deleted. I just took away many of their kekkei genkeis and abilities and changed their names.

That's all for the fun facts, I'm still questioning if I should do a chapter with Midoko or just start a book about her.

Should I?

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