Chapter 73: When the Curtain Falls

Start from the beginning

By now, six of the shattered layers were already repaired while the four others that Siva destroyed earlier were still being restored.

Akhenaton let out a roar and hastily stood up, Kladis who was smiling frowned again.

"Fuck him! This isn't going to end! We have to buy time for the Infiltration team to get out of..." right at that moment, a pop up window appeared in front of Kladis and his grim face became joyfully angry as he yelled out for Zaza. "You bastards! You finally come out?! Hurry up and get your ass to the Rewloola! We're getting out of this city!"

"Kladis!" Redeye yelled, worried, "What the fuck's happening? Why is the Elder God of Warjillis here?!"

"Yeah, Kladis..." Zaza interjected, "We also have something very important to tell you about this spire's secret chamber."

"That's for later! We have to get out of here!" Kladis glanced at the rising Akhenaton and his face grim at the sight of that towering golden nightmare. "Damn it, he's up already! You guys better comeback to the Rewloola right now or we would have wasted this shit for nothing!"

After that, he ended the call and focused his gaze to the Akhenaton that, by now, was already on his feet and had its left side facing him.

Its face was still blank and stoic, but Kladis could feel that inside that thing was that NPC who gave him the fright earlier.

But... remembering it now made him even more angry that he stomped his feet and declared a command as he waved a hand up front.

"All units! Forget about the small fries from above and just continue to bombard that bastard in front of The Legion! Whoever gets to take him down will be promoted immediately to a Strike Commander and lead his own fleet!"

A unified reply came from the guild communications channel on their communicators and this energized cry of his subordinates made Kladis beam a smile.

Akhenaton now stood straight, holding his staff on the other hand but before Kladis could register in his mind that the Godhammer was already unequipped the staff in Siva's hand began to change form again.

Only a minor change happened but this minor change was what made him look more frightening.

"A Scepter?" Kladis asked himself. "Have I seen that golden Scepter before? Why does it look familiar?"

In Akhenaton's hand was a golden scepter, with a red gem at the head of the shaft. Back in the real world, if one would look closely, this scepter actually resembled that artifact displayed in the British Museum that had once belonged to an unforgettable king.

Right now though, Akhenaton held the scepter in his right hand while his left hand gestured a palm towards the closest warship as if gentle pushing an island in front of it.

Siva, inside the heart, glared at the castle, "You just wait there. I will burn this legion you are so proud of down to the ground!"

As he spoke, he turned his gaze to that warship and...


Like the sound of empty glass being hit by a spoon... it wasn't a physical sound that one could hear when they're awake, no, it was the kind of sound generated when the ears had received a shock that almost exceeded the frequency of the eardrums can manage.

And yet there wasn't even a physical sound that emitted from anywhere in that moment and only a bright illusory light that shined off from the red gem at the head of the scepter in Akhenaton's hand.

Those with photographic memory would be able to recognize this scepter if they'd get the chance to see it more accurately...

Perhaps the live broadcast of the networks would then reveal this fact alone to the world.

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