Chapter Two: The Governor

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"Stay here." He tells me. He disappears into the gun battle field. I look over to the field where the field between the two gates are. A big truck has just run over the first gate and stops in the middle of it. The back door opens and stays open. Soon, a herd of them walk out. I feel sorry for all of the sick people. They could've done great things in their lives. One goes down.

"No," I whisper as another two go down, "No!" I yell. I run out of the corner and over to where the shot came from. Rick and Glenn are standing behind a pair of bleachers, guns held up and shooting all of the people.

"No! Stop! You're killing them!" I yell at them. Rick glares at me. I run to him and try to pull the gun away but he hits me on the head with the barrel of the gun. My vision goes blur and I fall to the floor.

"Carl! Take her inside!" Rick shouts.

I feel my body get picked up and ran into the prison. Then I see black and hear nothing.


"I didn't mean to! She was trying to stop me from protecting us!" I hear Rick shout. My eyes are still shut but I can hear now.

"You know how she sees those things." I hear Mika say.

"She thinks they're people." Carol says.

"I know that, I think it's best if we just kick her out." Rick says.

I lightly flutter my eyes open. I am lying on the floor of the first room. Everyone is surrounding me. My right hand is tied up to a pole by a rope. Mika rushes to me and unties my hand. Tears fall from her eyes onto my forehead.

"When I saw you on the floor," she says crying, "I thought you were dead."

"I'm okay." I say.

Carol helps me up and I walk up to Rick.

"I'm sorry." I tell him. "I didn't mean to put you in danger."

He doesn't answer.

"You're mad at me." I start to cry.

"I'm not-" he says but I cut him off.

"You're mad at me?" I whimper. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." I sob. Tears start to stream like a river down my face.

"Lizzie," Mika says, "imagine the flowers."

I see the patch of pink flowers in my head.

"Count them. Ready?"

"One, two, three," we count at the same time,"four, five, six, seven."

I am calm now.

"What the hell was that?" Daryl says.

"She has anxiety. Our mother would always say to count the flowers when she would have a panic attack." Mika explains.

I am now holding me elbows in each hand, arms crossing over my chest.

"Beth," Carol says, "can you take Lizzie out for some fresh air?"

"Okay." She agrees. She hands Daryl Judith and walks over to me. "Come on." She says calmly.

I look at her and her blue eyes look back at me. She gives me an assuring smile and we walk out the door.

"What was your mother like?" She asks me.

"She looked like me. She was sweet and kind. She could sing, too" I told her.

We sat down at the bleachers and watched all of the sick people walk around in the first field. They couldn't kill them all, thank God, so now they are just walking around.

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