Alternate Ending Epilogue- Cooper (Edited)

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"I love you forever and always, Coop. And, I'll see you on the other side," my mate's voice said through the small tape recorder that Rhett was able to salvage somehow.

I stared ahead at the barren wasteland and replayed the tape again. It had been sixty years since my mate had died, and I still missed her everyday. This tape kept me sane as well as my pack, but I had never found the same love as I did with her.

The world was different now from back then. Werewolves reign supreme with Vampires next to them. Humans were killed off or used for slavery except for the small group that stayed with us. They were trained how to fight off any supernatural creature, and I could tell that most of them didn't trust us.

"I love you forever and always, Coop. And, I'll see you on the other side," I heard my mate said again.

"You know, that is the best way to run out the battery," a female voice said from behind me.

I grunted and didn't turn around. "What do you want, Giselle?" I asked, not turning to look at her. I rewinded the tape again to that part. My heart longed for her, but I knew that I had to survive. I had to work with the next Red Wolf until she or he was ready to face this monster.

She sighed and sat beside me, rubbing her buldging belly with her tenth child. "I want to hear her voice again," she said, honestly. "But not on tape. I want to hear her and slap her for being such a bitch."

I grunted, this time sounding like a chuckle. "Am I needed?" I asked, not looking at her. I usually went straight down to the point. It was pointless to have pointless conversations when people were dying from starvation and disease.

"No. Rhett said that I could find you up here." She paused and cleared her throat. "Do you think that the world will ever be as it was in the past?" she asked, looking at me from the corner of her eye. "Or, do you think that this is going to be our future?"

"I think that we need to hope that the next Red Wolf will be as strong as Ry, if not stronger. He or she will have a lot of problems to work with."

She placed her head on my shoulder, causing me to stiffen before relaxing. "I guess we can only hope, then."

"She will be our last hope," I agreed. "And, we are going to need it." I pressed the play button again to hear my mate's voice one more time before I went back to reality.

"I love you forever and always, Coop. And, I'll see you on the other side."



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