Chapter 19 (Edited)

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A/N: We might see a charrie from 'The Red Wolf' that has not been mentioned yet. Any guesses? 


"So, how do I know that you will not go against us?" the Fae Queen, Whisper, asked. She leaned back in the chair that she was seated at and looked at me with narrowed eyes. Disgust was evident in them, and I knew that she would kill me if she had the chance.

"Because, whatever I do is for the good of the clans," I replied. "If that means I have to be killed when I am turned, then so be it."

"And if there is a way to turn you back into good?" the Witch, well Warlock, King, Merist asked. There was pain in his eyes, and I knew that he did not want me to get killed. He had became like a third father to me when we had met those months ago.

I shrugged my shoulder. "It doesn't really matter," I replied. "I had given orders for one of my Protectors to kill me." I furrowed my brows. "I-I can't..." I shook my head, not really sure how I could make them believe that I wanted what was best for the clans. "I can't be the one to kill an Innocent. There has all ready been too much death because I did not know what was going on, nor who I really was."

"So," the Werewolf King, Damon, said, leaning back into his seat. He stared at me with dark brown eyes and studied my movement, still trying to decide if I was a threat or not. "Are you saying that you will go with the Council willingly?" he asked.

I snorted as the members of my group growled softly. "The last time I had went peacefully, I was tortured and killed. Goddess knows what kept me alive, when I do not even know what did. Heed my warnings, Your Majesty, there are people in the Council that are going against your every move, because they want to be apart of something greater than what they see."

The King growled and narrowed his eyes at me. "The Council are a group of good men and women. If you were cap-"

"Believe it or not, Your Majesty. The only reason why I was captured was under false claims," I interrupted. I held up my hand, silencing the King from speaking again. "The real reason as to why I was captured was because some of your Council members have teamed up with a group of Rogues to make it so that I will be turned."

"What right do you have to make these accusations? Those men and women are the bes-"

"Some, not all," I replied, again interrupting him. "I cannot tell you the names of those that turned against you, because I am sure that they are listening in. How? I do not know. All I know is that they seem to make sure that I am under surveillance. And, since I am in a pack that I had considered a "no-go" area... I do not know who to trust or what."

"Then why did you come?" Alpha Barker asked.

"Because, you called," I replied, glancing at him. "If you did not call me, then I would not have came here." I traced the scars on my arms, not caring that it brought attention to them. "If you wanted me to stay away, then why did you call me?"

Alpha Barker glanced at my arms before looking at me. There was something in his eyes that I could not explain. He looked to be in pain, as if he had lost someone because of how useless they had felt. "Because, I want to see if I can trust you," he said, his voice leveled. "And not have someone tell me that you are not good."


"The pack is fine, Ry," Uncle Carter said. "So is your Aunt."

"Are you ever going to have children with her?" I asked, causing the older male to choke on something. A smile flickered on my face while I stood on the porch, watching as the sun started to set. "Both Liam and I know that you two have been seeing each other behind our backs. And Rhett and Cooper knows that something is going on, also, but they do not acknowledge, or want to acknowledge, whatever it is."

Uncle Carter sighed and I could feel as if he had this weight on his shoulders. "Do you think it is too soon for her?" he asked, tiredly. "I mean, we've had a crush on each other before we met our mates..."

I sighed and looked up when I heard the door open before nodding a greeting to King Damon. "I think that she will tell you when she is ready, but you have to look for the signs of when a female is ready. She will not say it."

"What, the flirting and shit? You do realize that we can hear the moaning between you and Cooper. Right?"

I felt my cheeks start to burn as I ducked my head. "I know that, and you know how it makes me feel when you, or someone else, talks about it."

"You haven't done the deed yet. I do not know why you are so bashful," Uncle Carter teased. "You aren't even marked yet."

My cheeks grew darker, and I spied the King, raising an eyebrow. I could tell that he was curious, because mates were normally mated and marked when they accepted each other. "I know..." I said. I furrowed my brows and moved a hand through my hair. "It's just that..." I took a deep breath. "I am scared that he will leave me," I muttered, looking at the ground.

"Do you think that when he marks and mates with you, he will leave?" Uncle Carter asked. Patience filled his voice, and I was glad that he wasn't saying how stupid I was being.

"I love the guy so much, Uncle Carter," I said, finally letting my voice crack. "I-I don't know what I will do if he does decide to reject me." I moved a hand through my hair again and took a deep breath, trying to keep my composure. I did not want the king to know how weak I was. "If he does..." I shook my head, grimacing.

"And if he doesn't?" Uncle Carter asked. "That boy loves you so much, also, Ry. He has been proving it to you when you both accepted each other."

"Fear holds me back," I replied. The hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention as I caught a glimpse of Cooper sneering down at me back when I had first given him his gift on his sixteenth. My heart raced, and it took all of my control to just breathe and try to relax. "I can still see his face when he said he would reject me if we ever became mates and how he would kick me out of the pack, barely living."

"But, that was when he was sixteen. People change in a short matter of time," Uncle Carter said. Anger filled his voice, and I knew that he was still pissed that Cooper would've kicked me out of the pack barely alive. "You of all people have changed."

I turned around and leaned my back against the railing and stared at the house. "I had always been the spunky girl that you fell in love with," I teased. "I just needed the right group to let me be me."

"Your self-confidence grew," Uncle Carter replied, bluntly. "I know that you are still having troubles with your scars, but know that they tell a story. They tell a story of a girl who never gave up without a fight. Dying is easy, living is harder, and I know that you know that better than anyone else."

I huffed but nodded. "I know," I said, taking a deep breath. "I still have a lot of work to do, to make sure that I will be fine."

"Let someone in to help you become not broken. It is fine to be broken and be put together, Ry." He paused and sighed. "I have to go. I will tell your Aunt that you said hello. I love you, Ry."

I smiled, my heart breaking some more. I missed my home with Uncle Carter and the members from my group that I had by my side as I gained the self-confidence that I needed. "I love you, too. Bye." I hung up the phone and looked to see that the King was staring at me curiously. "Don't judge me because of the labels that people placed on me, Your Majesty. I've been through shit, also, because of being the Red Wolf." With that, I nodded my head and excused myself from his presence.  

The Red Warrior (2nd book Red Series) (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ