Chapter 3 (Edited)

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For almost twenty four hours, I had to scream in "pain" and "beg" to be released from my prison of silver bars.

It got so bad that a couple of vampires on my side were thinking of breaking me out of the cage.

When they said that, I looked at them and told them that if they touch the cage, they die. I had said this with such a loud growl, that they both jumped up from where they were planning to "rescue" me and ran away.

I just laughed before starting to scream again, wanting Dracul to drink my blood where a "poison" reside. The "poison" was basically something that made Dracul weak as well as caused his thoughts and what he sees appear on my laptop.

Unfortunately, Dracul did not drink any of my blood but made sure I was unconscious so I wouldn't keep screaming by having one of his loyal "subjects" beat me to a pulp.

Thankfully, I had given one of the servants on my side a pill of what had been in my blood to put into his drink. And, I knew that he had drank it.

"Do you think we should get her out now?" a soldier asked, waking me up from my "slumber". "I mean those bars have been causing welts on her skin."

"Shhhh, the Princess wanted us to wait for her before we do anything, Tommy," another replied.

"But, what if she wakes up before then? We can't fight her, Johnny. We swore to protect her"

"We have to, Tommy," Johnny replied. "Remember what the Princess said."

"Yes, but she could kill us," Tommy replied. "I want to meet my beloved before I die."

I bit back a smirk but knew that it was useless. Oh, I so wanted them to meet Chris and Thaddie. I was sure that they would have a lot fun with each other. Both group of twins acted so much alike that it was creepy.

"Did you see that?" Tommy asked, panicking. "Ow, what was that for?"

"That was for being stupid. She isn't going to wake up, Stupid."

I twitched my hand while I contacted my Wolf. A full blown smirk appeared on my face when I heard her growl and knew that it was time to act. Sure, I knew that I was supposed to wait for Nicoleta, but something in me told me that she was going to be trying to be our spy, even if her brother didn't want her to be.

"She is up! She is up! Help she is going to scream!" Tommy panicked, while I opened my eyes and stared at the two Vampires a malicious grin on my face.

I moved onto my back and started to kick at the door. My legs groaned from the force that I used, but I kept going until I broke the door. I moved quickly out of the cage and knocked out the two Vampires before starting to run in the direction that I smelt the older Princess.

Because of Tommy's shrieking, many Vampires had been running my way. So, I had to make most of them unconscious as well as kill two of Dracul's main men.

When Nicoleta caught sight of me, her eyes were wide, and I could see a bit of fear in them. I knew one of the reasons why she was scared was because I had blood on me and had a crazed look in my eyes. Another reason was because I had my fist out as if I was going to punch her, even though she was on my side. She ducked just in time and scowled. "What-"

I quickly coughed and winked, causing her to relax and join the fight. I ducked underneath her leg before twisting around. A groan of pain escaped my tight lips because the welts hadn't healed yet, and I was fighting.

Worry filled her eyes, but she couldn't say anything when I landed a hard kick on her legs. 'It's fine,' she mouthed, seeing my apologetic look. She grimaced, and I knew that I broke something in her leg.

"Can you swim?" I whispered, ducking underneath her arm and jabbing her in the ribs with my elbow. I grunted when she landed a punch on my face, splitting my lip open.

"Yes and sorry." She cringed as she saw blood going down my face.

"Not as sorry as I am," I muttered. I quickly grabbed her hair, causing her to grab mine and forcibly started to push her towards a window. I knew there was a lake or something underneath the window as well as no rocks, so I was sure that we would be fine from the fall. "Can you swim?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" Nicoleta asked with a frown. She couldn't look behind her, and I was glad that she didn't know what I planned.

"Because, you need to close your mouth... NOW!" I turned us around so that I took the brunt force of falling through the glass and out into thin air.  

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