Chapter 21

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A/N: Long ass chapter for ya'll. Read the author's note at the end please. :3

Peace out Fluffy Munchkins

Stay Beautiful



I clutched my neck, my heart in my throat. I couldn't speak, couldn't move while I took at the male before me. My hand stayed on my mark, and I could feel it throbbing, waiting for me to accept it or reject it.

"Well?" Alpha- er- Uncle, Cameron asked. He took a threatening step towards me. His whole body was shaking, and I could tell that he was thinking that I was a threat. When a choking sob broke through my lips, his eyes widened in shock. "No, no, no," he said, holding his hands up to show that he meant no harm. "Don't cry."

I let out a small,chuckle before clearing my throat. "You never could deal with a female crying, no matter what they are to you," I whispered, my voice, cracking.

Uncle Cameron furrowed his brows as he studied me. "Who are you?" he asked. "I-I think I know you." He shook His head and moved a hand through his hair, grimacing. "You look... " Again, he shook his head. "But it's no-... Is it?"

I glanced at the door and licked my lips. "It was four months today that I stopped cutting, wasn't it?" I asked, causing him to stiffen. "Try five years. I have no idea how I got here, but I am... from... the future."

Uncle Cameron winded his eyes and looked at me in shock. He took a deep breath and smelled my scent to see if it was there and what I said was true. "Your body adapted to smell of different scents," he said. He narrowed his eyes. "I smell my son's scent stronger than most."

I cleared my throat and looked away from him. How was I supposed to tell this male, the one that saw me at fourteen he hadn't watched me grow up for four more years, that his son was my mate, and we had a slight fall out. "I... um... I-I-" I was slowly panicking. I had no idea what to say or do. I vaguely remembered coming back down to talk to Uncle Cameron and had him look at me with this newfound respect.

And, then there was the time that I was leaving, and he knew that his son was my mate. Was it because I had told him, or what?

"Cooper is your mate," Uncle Cameron said, finally. He studied me, looking for signs of my body language.

It sucked that he knew what I was thinking, because I had been able to hide my feelings, the thoughts that go around in my head, from everyone except him. Rhett could sometimes guess what I was thinking by my body language, but he had told me that he hated guessing, because 99.9%, he thought he was wrong.

"And, he rejected you," he added, breaking me from my thoughts.

I sighed and moved a hand through my hair, grimacing. "More like me rejecting him " I said. "I- I do not know how I got here but... I needed advice."

He arched an eyebrow. Emotions filled his face, and I could tell that he knew that he was dead. "And, I was killed in the future?"

I nodded, glancing down. "I am not going to tell you how, nor why," I said. "I think that it is better for you not to know."

Uncle Cameron had this thoughtful look on his face before nodding. "It makes sense..." he said. "It could change the future for you." he cleared his throat and studied me. "But, would it be alright if I took a guess?"

I nodded.

"My blood is, well was, needed to help you become the Red Wolf, correct?"

I blinked in surprise and furrowed my brows. Warning bells went off in my head, but I didn't know why.

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