Epilogue (Edited)

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A/N: Oiiiiii I finished the book. xD Fuck ya. Well, I still have the AU ending so I will work on that later. But still. Yasssss. Extras will come later. Don't forget to check out my other books.




"Cooper! You better be running and getting me some chocolate ice cream!" my mate yelled from inside the birthing room. "You are never putting that thing near me ever again."

I winced at the thought of a pissed off mate, not knowing what to do. I mean, I was kicked out of the room because Ry set my pants on fire the moment the contractions started.

It had been six months since everything happened, and everything had died down... somewhat. Ry's little group was split between this pack and the other with both Thaddeaus and Chris over here, much to my distaste. Our alliance with the packs were going strong with Ry still the main leader of the pack.

Skylar was skinned like Ry had promised, but I wasn't there to watch because Ry did not want me to see her as a monster. She had nightmares about it, but she had told me that she had to do what she had promised.

Rylan and I had gotten married when she was four months pregnant, and I knew that she was wanting to get married again. However, this time, she wanted to make sure that she would be able to fit into a different dress.

Babies were popping up in our group of friends with Gigi pregnant with her second child, Mitchie pregnant with her first, Bailey pregnant with her first, Merida pregnant with her first, and I think everyone gets the picture.

And yet, even with all of these babies, there was still death and destruction. Vulcan finally killed Dracul and took his rightful place as ruler. Elder Jeff was killed for "treason against Grand", and I knew that that hurt Ry more than anything. Half of the Elders were killed against treason to the throne and the Red Wolf, but I think it was more because Ry could sense that they were not innocent and knew that it might be the best for them.

Yes, there were still wars and unrest in the packs, but I think that that there would always be unrest. Ry even agreed when two packs went to war with each other, and she had to step in and break it up.

"I am not kidding, Cooper!" Ry yelled, breaking me from my thoughts. "You placed a fucking bowling ball inside of my uterus!"

"Still in labor?" Rhett asked, coming over to me. He handed me my nephew and chuckled. "Good luck. I heard that she was having twins."

I nodded and stared at the baby in front of me. "Ya, she is still on the first. The doctor said that he was going to be a big boy." I looked around and didn't spy my son. "Where is Jonah by the way?"

"His aunt took him to get ice cream," Rhett said, pouting. "She's getting some for Ry."

"No! I want Cooper to get it, or else I will set his pants on fire!" Ry exclaimed. She groaned loudly. "Oh my Goddess! And I thought the torture was bad."

"Alpha! Stay on the table! Please!" the new doctor said. "You can't get up during birth!"

"But I made myself hungry," she whined. Amusement filled her voice, and I guess she liked seeing the shocked look on the female's face.

"Not yet, and I will get you some too," I said, biting back a smile.

"Fuck you, Cooper," Ry said. She groaned and that was followed by a cry of a newborn baby. "Goddess, that was a watermelon. What is up with that?"

"I see the girl's head, Alpha. Be ready to push," the doctor said.

"Not again," Ry groaned. "You owe me triple, Coop."

"Yes, Dear," I said, smiling. I handed my nephew back to his father. "This will probably take a little while. I'm going to get the ice cream now."

"Chocolate please!" my mate exclaimed.

"Chocolate it is," I confirmed and left my brother-in-law in the waiting room to get my beautiful mate her triple ice cream.


I walked in with our son and smiled when I saw Ry holding our daughter and my mother holding our new son. "Here is your ice cream," I said. "Jonah wanted to carry your third one."

Ry smiled and nodded to the doctor who was still cleaning up. "Merna needs it," she said. "I kinda made it difficult on her."

The doctor smiled, tiredly. "Thank you. You weren't that bad though you were always hungry and set your mate's pants on fire."

She shrugged her shoulder and handed my daughter to me as she took the ice creams. "Are you ready to tell them their names?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded my head. "The girl is Kyler Rose Pierce and the boy is Keagan Ridge Pierce," I said. I looked at my daughter and smiled, lovingly.

"Does that mean I have to be Alpha?" Jonah asked, cocking his head and looked at me before looking at his mother.

"If you want to be Alpha, then you can be Alpha. You will be trained as one, but if you don't want to be, then you don't have to be," she replied. "Technically, you are our first child."

"Oh, ok," Jonah said. He furrowed his brows and looked at the girl in my arm. "She is pretty."

I nodded my head and looked at my mate to see her exhausted. "Why don't you get some rest? Jonah and I will be here to watch over the Pups."

Ry nodded her head and smiled tiredly. "Stay?" she asked, her eyes closing.

I smiled fondly and kissed her lips. "Of course," I whispered. And, I watched over my children as the love of my life fell asleep. My little Red Warrior was exhausted for the best reason, and I couldn't help but love it.  

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