Chapter 29 (Edited)

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I sat down in a field with a fully functional sword in my lap. I had figured out how to make it into a sword, and I was pretty pleased that I was able to figure it out, because I was sure that I was going to need it for the battle with Garth.

The sword was gold, and it was pretty sharp. The hilt of the sword had four jewels on it, one for each element. Even the hilt was made up of gold, but it felt as if it was made from leather. It weighed fairly decent and the hilt could fit in my hand. I was pretty pleased with the craftsmanship on this sword, glad that it still looked good even when it was around a thousand years old.

My whole body tensed when I felt someone behind me. It relaxed slightly when I sensed that it was Vulcan but didn't turn around to look at him. My heart broke, and I could feel it start to pound in my chest, because I had no idea why he was out here, near me.

"How long?" he asked, hesitantly. He took a step towards me but stopped. He wanted to move closer, but he thought that I wouldn't like it. He felt guilty for hurting me, and I was sure that he didn't mean to.

I sighed and fiddled with the sword. I closed my eyes and grimaced, hating that he wasn't coming any closer, because I missed the man that I could trust. "I was checking on Nicoleta before I took my shower the night you dropped in," I said. My voice was void of emotion, and I could tell that had caused Vulcan to flinch. "I stopped him and changed the way that he thinks. He will not be raping Nicoleta anymore."

"How do you know?" he asked. "He could still do it."

I smirked and finally looked at the male that I still trusted. I did not know if I should trust him or not, but my heart told me that I could. "If he wants to have sex with her, then he will see a naked grandma instead of her."

Vulcan stayed silent, and I could tell that he had raised an eyebrow behind his pig mask.

"Don't ask," I replied, a small amused smile appearing on my face. I took a look at the sword and sighed, fiddling the the golden sword. "It says that I can heal the past..." I said. Again, I looked up at him and made him see that I was determined to help him, because he had helped me for as long as I could remember. "I can heal your wounds."

Vulcan tensed and blinked. He watched me with hesitant eyes, and I could tell that he was debating if he wanted to trust me or not.

I frowned, my eyes flashing hurt. "I don't know what has gotten into you, Vulcan," I said, my voice cold, "but, I can tell you that I do not like this attitude change of yours. I do not know if it has to do with Meridia or not, but I need you to change it." I huffed and looked down. "You all ready know that you can trust me. Why are you acting like this now?" I asked, my voice cracking.

Vulcan stayed silent, and there was shuffling sound. There was a small thud on the ground, and the mask was in my line of sight. "Do it," he said, his eyes held this determined look in them. "I want my face back."

I stood and looked up at the man that had became so important in my life that I did not know what I would do if he wasn't in it. What scared me was the fact that he was going to have to choose between Meridia and I, and I did not want that to happen. "You're going to have to kneel," I said, pushing a strand of brown hair behind my ear.

Vulcan did what I had said and looked up at me. There was trust in his eyes, and I could see that he slightly was doubting me. He was doubting me because his Beloved had placed doubt in his heart. However, he understood that I wasn't going to hurt him, intentionally.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to help me focus my powers into the sword. After I felt the power enter the sword, I opened my eyes and started to put it against his face, using the edge that would not cut him.

And, as magic, his face started to heal, leaving barely visible scars. The only scar that was more visible than the others was the small square on his lip. It was healed, however, so he didn't have to worry about people looking at him with disgust.

"There," I said, feeling slightly breathless. I shook my head and watched as Vulcan touched his face. I smiled and closed the sword, loving the fact that it turned into a pen like the one that Percy Jackson has. "I think that we can get rid of this mask," I said, nodding towards the mask that was on the ground where I had left it.

Vulcan stood and walked over to it. He looked at it in disgust, and I could see a slight bit of fear in his eyes.

"I still don't know why you used a pig's mask when you are afraid of them," I said, walking over to it. I reached down and grabbed it before standing. I smiled innocently when he glared at me, knowing full well that I was going to tease him about his fear. "I know, I know, you used it because you were afraid of them, and you wanted people to be afraid of you, also."

"Burn it."

I tossed it into the air and shot a fireball at it. As soon as it started burning, I turned around and hugged Vulcan. "Please, don't leave me," I whispered.

Vulcan hesitated before he hugged me close. "I won't," he whispered. "I promise."


"Why are you with a random hot dude?" Gigi asked when I walked in with Vulcan behind me. She drank some of her water, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "It's funny how he is trying to hide behind you."

I glanced behind me to see Vulcan trying to get smaller and hide behind me. "Feeling naked, yet?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. I smirked when he glared. "You told me to burn that stupid thing, Pig Head."

Vulcan scowled and narrowed his eyes at me. He didn't say a word but looked up when his Beloved walked in. Pain filled his eyes, and I could tell that he was upset about something.

I sighed and turned to look at Meridia to see her glaring at me. I kept my emotions in check, but I knew that they might be going into hyper drive after we had our talk. "We need to talk," I said, my voice leaving no room for arguments. "Privately."

Meridia hesitated but nodded. "Of course, Red Wolf," she said. She scowled at Vulcan before turning around.

I looked back at my Protector and offered him a hesitant smile. I didn't know what would happen, but I prayed to the Goddess that I would be able to help Vulcan and I out.

We both needed it...  


A/N: The video. xD That is why I used 'Naked Grandma'.

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