Chapter 6 (Edited)

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Screams woke me up from the restless sleep that I tried to get after Vulcan's declaration. I had felt Cooper leave after I tried to fall back asleep, so I had spent most of the time tossing and turning, fearing that I had lost my greatest protector and true friend.

"I'm up," I called to the person that was frantically knocking on my door. I quickly ran toward the door, taking the blankets with me and almost falling over with them. I opened it to see Gigi looking at me frantically, her hands on her protruding belly. "What is it?" My whole body tensed as I thought that something bad had happened, like Rogues or crazy witches.

"Black fire on the pack house," she gasped out. "Almost everyone is out all ready. We can't stop-"

"Get everyone into the safe house," I ordered, interrupting my Beta Female as I got the blankets off of me and throwing them onto the bed. "Make sure that you and Becca are in the safe house as well." I started to run out the door, not caring that I was only in a sports bra and short shorts. I was going to kill whomever changed me, because I was still a bit self-conscious about my body.


"No, Giselle," I said, turning around to look at the female that was trying to keep up with me. Worry filled my eyes, because I was scared for her and the unborn child. "I will not risk you nor my nephew. Get to the safe house, make sure that Liam is there or Rhett."

Gigi frowned and nodded, knowing for well that my protective instinct was in full swing because she was pregnant with an Innocent. "Go and save the world again," she said, teasingly. "Percy isn't here."

"Damn it." I turned towards where the screaming was, linking some of the Warriors to get the pack to a safe house in the middle of the woods. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to control this fire then." I moved a hand through my hair and hoped that Perc had a good reason to be off pack ground. I just hope he's with Perry, or else I'll kill him.

"You can do it. HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S A BOY?" she yelled after my retreating figure.

I turned to look at her, smirking. "Aunt's intuition." WIth that, I turned and ran towards the pack house, hoping that I wasn't too late.


"Rylan!" Cooper called running over to me. Worry and relief filled his eyes while his face was covered in soot. He grabbed my hand, causing sparks to flow up my arm and pulled me towards the burning pack house. "I didn't want to wake up, but we can't stop the flames. We're worried that it'll burn some of the other houses."

"It's fine, I wasn't really asleep anyways," I replied. I squeezed his hand before letting go and stepping forward. I could see some of my pack still out, trying to control the flames before it got to the only part of the pack house that wasn't burning.

Magic filled the air, and I couldn't help but growl because it smelt and felt like some witch that had turned to the "dark side". My eyes turned red while I focused on the flames, trying to see if there was a weakness. I stepped forward and took a deep breath before letting out, red and yellow flames blowing out from my mouth and hands, shooting them towards the house.

The screams of worry and hurt stopped while everyone stared at me with awe and fear. There were some people that were glad that I was able to put out the fire, even though it had caused me to be weak.

"Woah," I whispered as I almost fell over, getting caught by Cooper. I opened my eyes to take in the worry and loved fill gaze of my mate and decided to play bit with him. I frowned and squinted up at him. "Why are there three of you?" I asked in total confusion.

Cooper frowned and squinted his eyes to look at me. He tried to gauge my emotion and what I was thinking by my face and body language. "Are you alright?"

I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing and shrugged. I scrunched up my nose and tried to think of how I was feeling. "I feel... woozy," I replied. I groaned and placed a hand on my forehead, trying to keep my body from shaking with laughter when he growled and started to pick me up.

"Stop playing around, Rylan," the all too familiar voice of my brother teased. "You are going to make him bark out orders to see what is wrong with you."

Cooper glared at my brother when he came into seeing view. "There is-"

"Fuck you, Rhett," I scolded, glaring at him, causing Cooper to look at me. "I mean, I wanted to see how long it'll take him to realize that I was joking." I still made sure that even when I was in pain, they wouldn't know. However, Rhett knew me like a fucking book and could tell a mile away if I was hurt or not.

"What? Bu-" Cooper looked at me, confusion in his eyes. "You almost toppled over..."

"I used a bit of more energy than usual. Now, can you help me up? We need to see if something had caused the black fire." I struggled to get up much to Cooper's protest and looked to see how much of mine and Liam's pack were still out. I counted about thirty people and sighed. "We are going to have to have some people house those that had lived in the pack house until we get the West Wing fixed. I have no idea how the East Wing is, so we will have to check that out."

"Which families should give housing to those that lost theirs?" a member asked.

"Those that have room," I replied, nodding my head in thanks to the pack member that brought it up. "If you have the room go talk to Luna Claire, and she will help pair you up with someone that has room. Teens that live in the East Wing can move into either the house that I have been staying in or talk to Luna Claire and get paired up with someone. If we have to bunk, then we bunk."

"But the East Wing hasn't had the damage that the other side has," a teen said. "Why can't we live there?"

"Because I don't trust you to not go onto that side until it has been redone," I replied, sarcastically, causing him to scoff and call me a bitch. "Yes, I am a bitch, thank you for kindly pointing that out." I gave him a sarcastic smile.

The male, Kent, glared at me but didn't say another word because of the growl that Cooper had given him. He quickly bowed his head and apologized, even though it wasn't sincere.

I rubbed my forehead and sighed, hating the fact that he is acting like a two year old. "Look, I know that most of you hate the fact that I am the Red Wolf and that I am the Alpha. But, all that I do, all that I am is for this pack. I never wanted to leave this pack, but I have been pushed out not only by my mate but those that were supposed to love me for me." I looked at them and noticed that most, if not all, of the Wolves that had been in the Safe House were out and gathered here. I couldn't help but glare at Cooper, causing him to grin innocently.

'Gigi wanted to know if it was safe to come out, and I told her that you were making a speech. She insisted that the rest of the pack be here so you can... preach," Cooper said.

I snorted and rolled my eyes but didn't say anything else. "I will do anything in my power to make sure that everyone stays alive and healthy." I took a deep breath and sighed. "I have seen what would have happened to me if I have been captured and turned for evil. Death would have happened to my friends, my Protectors, and the people that do not want to be taken over by a dictator." I placed my hand in Coopers and squeezed when he growled. I saw Liam in the crowd and looked at his shocked face as I talked about the dream that happened so long ago. "That is why I had asked you to kill me if I turned. I will not let any Innocent person die at my hands." I took a deep breath and let it out, meeting everyone's eye. "That is not what a Red Wolf stands for."

The Red Warrior (2nd book Red Series) (Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu