College AU (Photographer!Reader x Mechanic!Vincent)

Start from the beginning

"I'll have the pictures soon, Mangle stopped me and I got sidetracked, I should have all of them tonight" you explained, breathing heavily as your running came to a halt in front of a big garage door.

"It's fine, I'll be the last one leaving tonight, I'll keep the door unlocked for you" he breathed, the sounds of typing and Mike's overbearing voice yelling nearby. You smiled, situating your clothes and camera quickly before anybody could see your ruffled state, Jeremy yelling over the line at Mike to 'Leave the fish alone, that clownfish is NOT NEMO'.

"Tell Mike to go back to football practice, I can hear his stupidity from across campus" You stated, earning a loud 'Hey!' from Mike just as you hung up, chuckling as you stuffed the device into the waistband of your skirt. Now that you weren't distracted, you could hear the sounds of drills and loud motors revving from inside, even some cursing here and there followed by a loud bang. Clearly it was a busy day for the students, which is why you chose today to take the pictures, catching them in action is what the organization needs and what the school wants.

"Hello! How may I help you young lady?" A male voice boomed, laced with age and fatherly friendliness, his figure appearing from a door to the side. His outfit consisted of baggy coveralls that were covered with stains of different colors and shades, the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows in a manner that showed he must have been busy before meeting you.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, I'm here to take pictures for the school newspaper and flyers for upcoming Seniors in High School" You explained, anxiously fiddling with your camera's flash as you awaited his answer, silently studying his unintelligible expression. By the time you were on the verge of having an anxiety attack he suddenly let out a loud bellowing laugh, taking off one of his gloves and resting his hand on your back.

"You are welcome to come inside, take all the pictures you like, I'm Mr. Cawthon by the way" he spoke, leading you gently through the door he came out from, making you flinch slightly at all the noise. It was an entire open room filled with different vehicles and machines, the walls decorated with various tools and spare parts, students hurriedly scurried around as they hovered over the bulky gadgets or rolled beneath them.

Nearby a boy who looked as if he were only a freshman rolled underneath an enormous truck, sounds of a wrench turning coming from beneath. Most of the students were male, but you caught a glimpse of a few females working on huge machines of their own, all having matching coveralls.

"Mr. Cawthon, I've finished assembling the last animatronic, the blueprints are in my workspace" a voice called, making you jump slightly and your phone to slip out the waistband and onto the concrete floor. With a mumbled curse, you bent down to retrieve it, checking for any cracks as you wiped it off with your hand, returning to a standing position.

"This is Vincent" Mr. Cawthon suddenly spoke, making you jump slightly at the booming sound, an outstretched arm dangling off a taller person. A grease stained hand rose up and pulled off the welding mask from their face, giving their head a shake once successfully gone. White eyes met your own as purple strands of hair slightly fell to conceal them, mask dangling from one hand while the other clutched a wrench.

"She's going to be here taking pictures for the Newspaper" Mr.Cawthon explained, giving the guy a slap on the back before walking away. Awkward silence ensued, Vincent walking away temporarily to put both the mask and wrench away, leaving you to get a good view of the place. The ceiling was dome shaped and made entirely out of glass, some panels were open to let in cool air and more sun to dry freshly painted machines.

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Where stories live. Discover now