Chapter Thirty

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Cade and I looked at each other. 'Oh God.' I said, quietly, 'He knows.' "Cade?" Caitlin asked again and walked slowly over to him. He then looked to Caitlin. "Are you ok?" She asked. "Yes. I'm fine." He said. "You don't..." Caitlin started, but hesitated, unsure, "Come on. Let's get you out of the rain." She led him to the car. "Here, you can sit up front by the heat." She said. He slowly got in and Caitlin shut the door. She went to get in behind Cade when she noticed I hadn't moved. I was scared. I just wanted to run or maybe have the road open and swallow me up. He'll know it was me. 

"Hey!" Caitlin said, coming to me. She touched my arm. I jumped. "Sorry." I said. "Are you ok?" She asked, concerned. "Yes, I'm fine." I said, "Let's go." She looked at me funny. "Really. I'm fine. Let's get Cade home and dry." I said, "I'm just in shock seeing him." "Yeah me too." She said. We both got into the car. I turned the heat up. Then continued down the road. It was quiet for awhile.

"So... are... you..." Caitlin said, slowly. "No, I'm not fine!" Cade yelled, "I'm far from ok!" I jerked the car when he yelled. His anger scared me. "Woah, take it easy." he said, "I didn't mean to scare you into crashing. It's just that I'm pissed! I was kidnapped for... I don't know how long, but I know it was awhile! I was tied up and tickled! Then, I was locked in a bathroom! Then tied up again. Had a freaking big spider crawling all over me. I hate spiders! Also tickled again! Also forced to eat like an animal!" "Oh my gosh! That's terrible." Caitlin said, "Who was it?" "I don't know her name. Well her real name. But she's a clown that goes by the name Giggles. She's the one who made me terrified of clowns. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I just want to go home." Cade replied. "Of course. What's your address?" I asked. He told me and I drove there. It was quiet again.

"So I heard something from Giggles." Cade said, looking to me. I felt scared and nervous. I didn't take my eyes off the road. "Me?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. "Yes you." He said, "That's why I am looking at you." "Well I'm watching the road." I said, "I can't really see that you're staring at me!" "Ok..." He said, "Well anyway... Giggles told me she was your aunt." "What?" I asked, acting shocked. "Yeah. She said your were her niece." He said. "Oh wow. What's her name? I don't know of any clowns in my family." I replied. 

We pulled onto Cade's road and I drove to his house. "I don't know her name. Just Giggles." He said. "Well as I said, I don't know any clowns." I said, "How did she say we were related?" "She said you were her niece." He said, frustrated he had to repeat himself. "Yeah, you said that, but my mom's side or my dad's side? I don't know many relatives on my dad's side. So it's possible, I guess. Strange, but I guess possible." I said. "I think she said dad's side." He said. "Well who knows." I said, "I don't know his relatives." "But she knew a lot about what was going on." He said. We were now sitting in his driveway. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'll talk to you later. For now I want to let my parents know I am ok." He said. "Sounds good." Caitlin said from the back. 

Cade got out and headed to his house. Caitlin moved up front and we drove home.


When Cade came to, he looked around the basement. Giggles was no where there. He saw a note on the table that had his name on it. Without even thinking, he reached up and grabbed it. Then it hit him. He looked and felt himself able to move. He pushed the chair out and stood up. "Yes!" He exclaimed. He quickly ran upstairs in case Giggles came back to tie him up. He looked around the cabin, but there was no one around and nothing to indicate who lived here or owned this place. There even wasn't any food. So he figured no one was here. He ran outside and looked around. 

'Damn! Giggles was right.' he thought. There was nothing around the cabin except trees. He walked down the driveway and down the dirt road. 'Should of brought water.' he thought. So he headed back to the cabin. He was thirsty and needed a drink. He didn't really want to go back, but it was a risk he had to take. He went into the basement. There were no bottles. Giggles had taken everything. He headed upstairs. No glasses or cups at all. Even the bowls were gone that she had used. So Cade drank from the faucet and then headed on his way. 

It was a long walk down the road and back into town. Soon he remembered the note and pulled it out of his pocket to read it. It read

Dear Cade- You are free to go. You won't ever see me again. I am really sorry for kidnapping you and all that I did to you. I thought by doing it, you would change and become a nicer person. I see that now I was wrong. You'll never change and always be the same jerk. But anyway...I am sorry again.-Giggles

He folded it back up and put it back into his pocket. He continued on his way, thinking of the note and not sure how he was feeling. The sky darkened and soon started pouring. He got soaked. He finally made it to the road. 'Why isn't anyone out?' he thought and then realized they were staying in due to the rain. But soon he saw a car and started to flag it down. It almost hit him, but he got out of the way. He was glad it stopped.

Two people got out and he saw it was Caitlin and Mandi. 'Of all people!' he thought, 'But hey...least I can get a ride.' Cade noticed Mandi just stood there staring at him, like he was a ghost. It was Caitlin who spoke. "Cade?" She said. He just stared at Mandi, but then finally turned to Caitlin and answered her question. He got in and Caitlin shut the door. He shivered from being wet. He was hoping they got in the car soon, But something was going on. Mandi hadn't moved from her spot. It was like she was frozen. But jumped when Caitlin touched her arm. Cade was wondering what was going on and starting to grow suspicious, but eventually they got in and Mandi turned the heat up. Cade was feeling better.

But then Caitlin tried asking him again how he was feeling and he exploded. "No, I'm not fine!" He yelled, "I'm far from ok!" Mandi got scared by his outburst and almost crashed the car. He apologized to her and told them he was just angry at Giggles and told them what she did. They were shocked at it. They asked who Giggles was, but he had no idea. He just said he'd wanted to go home. So that's what they were doing. They questioned him about Giggles and how she knew Mandi and the fact Giggles said she was related to Mandi. Mandi said she didn't know any clowns in her family and didn't know many relatives on her dad's side. Cade had said, "Well she knows alot about what was going on." Mandi wanted to know what he meant, but they were at his house. He told her he'd tell her later, because right now all he wanted to tell his family he was home and ok. 

He got out of the car and walked to the house. He watched Caitlin move up front and then Mandi drove off. He was still thinking of Mandi and her reaction. He was confused by it. 

He headed into the house. "Mom? Dad?" He yelled, "Taylor? Stef?" He walked through the kitchen and into the living room. "Mom?" He asked. His mom was on the couch. She gasped when she looked up and saw him. She got up slowly and went to him. "Cade?" She asked, starting to cry. "Yes. It's really me." He replied, "Why didn't you answer me?" "I wasn't sure if it was real and didn't want to get my hopes up." She replied. "Ok." he said. She pulled him into a tight hug then. He hugged her back and then said, "Mom.. can't breathe." She laughed. "Well, I'm never letting you go." She said. "Well you better. I want to hug him." Said Stef, through her tears. They were all crying happy tears. His mom left him go and his sister and brother hugged him and then his dad. "Are you ok?" His mom asked, "Should we take you to the hospital?" "Yes, I'm fine. No I don't need to go." He said.

But they took him anyway and checked him out. He was fine, healthy. Maybe a little traumatized, but healthy. He got dry clothes on and then when they got home, he told them all that happened. They gasped and were scared and angry, but glad he was safe.

They called the police. They took his statement and set out to find Giggles. After that Cade went to visit Sam to let him know he was fine. Sam was so happy and hugged him tightly too. Cade found out from Sam that Julie didn't wait around. She was dating a guy named Nate. Then Sam and Cade went back to Cade's house so his family could spend time with both of them. 

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