Chapter Twenty Five

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I went into the house. "Mom? I'm home." I said, but heard no answer, "Mom?" I looked around, but didn't see her. So I went back downstairs and to the back door. There she was, sitting on the deck, reading. I went outside. 

She put her book down and looked to me. "Hey honey." She said, "How was school?" "Boring. All we did was turn in our books." I said, "And basically talked the whole time." "Yeah. Well it's soon over." She said. "I know. I can't wait." I said. "I bet. Well I have some great news. From tomorrow, May 30th until June 19th I have vacation. I have the rest of this week off and then two weeks after that for vacation. I figured you, Caitlin and I can have a girls vacation at the beach. We can go this Saturday, June 3rd to June 10th. A week at the beach. Then the following week we can hang out and do whatever else." My mom said. I breathed in deep and felt nervous. My mom mistook it for something else. "You can invite Erik too, if you want. I just figured a girl's week would be nice. Then later the three of you can go to the beach." She said. I almost laughed for that and kicked myself for how I reacted. "No, no... girl's week is fine." I said. "Ok." My mom said, looking at me. I knew she could tell something was off. I tried to control my breathing and not act nervous. "Honey, what's wrong?" She asked. "Well..." I started, took a deep breath, "Cade is missing." "What do you mean missing?" She asked confused. "Sam and him were hanging out Saturday night. Sam went home and the last he saw Cade was when he said bye. No one has seen Cade at all." I said, "I know he was a jerk to me, but still... I still have feelings for him. But anyway...yeah he's missing." "" my mom said, worried, "He ran away? Or someone take him?" "No one knows. His car was still at the park and his phone and wallet were found inside." I answered, "I think...I think someone took him." "Oh my. That's terrible." She said, "The they have any leads?" I shook my head. I felt tears. 'Dang, I'm a good actress.' I thought to myself. I hated lying, but I have no choice. "Oh honey." My mom said. She pulled me into a hug. "It'll be ok. They'll find him." She said. "I hope so." I said. "Well, we'll pray and keep our faith." My mom said. "Ok." I said. So we prayed right then and there. 

I ended up going to bed early. I was pretty tired and also afraid I'd slip up and my mom would find out. I couldn't have her or anyone finding out what I did.


The next day, I got into the school and went to my locker. I started cleaning my locker to get rid of stuff I didn't need anymore. It was  now empty, except for a few pictures. I'll take them out tomorrow. I'll bring a small photo album to put them in, so they don't get ruined. I didn't think about it today. I then went to find Caitlin. I found her at her locker.

"Hey... So my mom is on vacation for about 3 weeks." I started. "Oh wow. Was that her big news?" Caitlin asked. "Yea. I'm sorry I didn't call. I told my mom about Cade. I got all upset and didn't feel like doing much. I even went to bed early." I replied. "It's ok. I understand. And Cade will be fine. He'll come home soon." Caitlin said. "I hope so." I said. Caitlin gave me a hug. "Thanks." I said, "So... My mom said about a girls week to the beach. From June 3rd to June 10th we'll to the beach. Then later you, Erik and I can go. But after this with Cade, I think I need to get away." Really I didn't want to. I wanted to get back to Cade, but obviously I couldn't. Not if I didn't want to raise any suspicions. "That does sound good." Caitlin agreed, "I have money saved up." "Cool." I said, "How are we gonna break it to Erik?" "Break what to Erik?" Erik asked coming up to us. 

"That the first trip to the beach will just be Caitlin, my mom and I. Just a girls trip." I said. "Oh when's that?" He asked. "June 3rd to the 10th." I replied. "Oh, that's fine. We're going to my uncle's farm anyway that week." He said, "So that's fine." "Good. I hated for you to feel left out." I said. "Me too." Said Caitlin. "You girls are so sweet." He said. We smiled. 

"So what's with all these... people?" Erik asked. "What people?" I asked, confused. "You haven't seen them?" He asked, "They're dressed up and have name tags." "No." I said, "I came in, cleaned out my locker and came to find Caitlin." But as I finished, I seen about 5 people... grown ups dressed in dress pants and jackets pass us. "Who knows." Said Caitlin. But then the principal came over the P.A. system.

"Attention students. Please as soon as the bell rings, please report to the auditorium for an emergency assembly. Thank you." He said. "I bet it has to do with Cade." I said. "I'm surprised we didn't have one yesterday." Said Caitlin. "I think the principal just found out yesterday." Said Erik. "Yea, he did." Sam said, coming up next to us. "Oh?" I asked. I was surprised to see Sam by us. "Apparently Cade's mom called to tell him. He had no idea. So till he could get some counselors here, it had to be today." Sam replied, "What a way to end the school year." We all agreed.

We then made our way to the auditorium. Erik sat next to Caitlin. I sat next to her and then Sam sat next to me. I saw Jake and Julie sit next to Sam. I was surprised every grade was here, seeing as some of them would of never talked to Cade. 

The bell rang and everyone was talking. The counselors were sitting on chairs waiting. The principal came up on stage. "Can I have everyone's attention." He said. Then waited for everyone to quiet down. It took a few minutes and finally it was quiet. "I'm sure you all are aware of the recent event. I only found out yesterday morning and decided on this assembly. While it mostly effects the juniors, it can concern the rest. Whoever had talked with him. I'm sure you all heard about Cade Harner by now and how it seems he's been...well kidnapped. We don't know how or why it happened." He said, "But it deeply saddens me to hear that it did happen. I talked to Cade few times and he's a great kid. One of the nicest kids you'll ever meet. All of you could probably agree. So that's why I know it probably hurts you all that he is missing and you don't understand it. This is why these five, ladies and gentlemen are here. They are here if you need anyone to talk to. We'll keep three here in the auditorium if you need anyone to talk to and 2 will be in the library." It was quiet other than some sniffling for a few minutes. 

A lady stood up and came to the mike. "This event is terrible that occurred. Also I do not know that I should, but I'm sure alot of us will like it. I want to say a prayer for Cade. Those of you who don't want to, you may leave." She said. No one left. I think some were scared to leave. She said the prayer and then everyone said, "Amen." "Ok. Now you may go to class and remember, if you need to talk, these counselors are here." The principal said. So we all left the auditorium. 

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