Chapter Fifteen

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I realized that I must of slept, because when I looked around it was light out and birds were chirping. I stretched and then got out of bed. I tried not to disturb Caitlin, who was still sleeping. 

I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and then hopped into the shower. 'Well, today is prom.' I thought, 'Supposed to be a magical night.' I laughed humorlessly. 'Not for me.' I thought, bitterly, 'Cade is a jerk and I have no date.' I wondered if I'd could return my dress. I never wore it and I still have the tags and receipt. Although, I could keep it for next year. Who knows what'll happen by then? 

I dried off and just put on my Treeville sweatshirt and sweatpants. Also my gray fuzzy clog type slippers. I went downstairs and started frying some sausage. Then scrambled eggs. By the time I was done, Caitlin was down, still in her pajamas.

"I'll shower later." She said. "Sounds good, because breakfast is ready." I said. I put my eggs and sausage on a muffin. She just ate hers on a plate. "So...I was thinking." Started Caitlin, "You should come to prom anyway. I'll share Damon and you can see the payback on Cade." "And what's payback?" I asked. "Well, we're not sure yet." Caitlin replied, giggling, "Because we will have to see how we can do it to him. Damon wants to do something to him on stage. So... he's trying to get the principal and Mr. Kent to crown juniors as well as seniors." "Yea." I said, agreeing.  We both were quiet thinking. "Hmm.." I said, thinking. "Yeah. We are thinking too." said Caitlin.  I then thought of an idea. "How about garbage. Some of them dumpsters out back at school are horrible." I said. "Oh yeah. We can dump it all over him. I'll tell Damon." Said Caitlin. So she texted Damon. "Plus they have been sitting out back in the sun for awhile." She said. "Yeah. Let's just hope they don't empty them until Damon gets there." I said. "Oh don't worry. Damon and Cole are going right now." She said. "Cole?" I asked, surprised, "Last time I knew Cole hated Damon." "Yeah, but since Damon apologized to you and him, they kind of well...talked." she said. "Oh ok." I said, even though Damon hasn't really apologized in person. "Yeah. The two of them will gather it and dump it on him when he's on stage. He just text that Mr. Kent and the principal thought that was a good idea. Let juniors have a chance at being king and queen this year. Then our senior year be someone new." Caitlin said, "And they're gonna make sure Cade wins. Just sucks whoever queen is will get hit with it too." "Yeah, but seeing Cade covered in rotten garbage will be worth it." I said. We both laughed. "Yeah it will." She agreed.

We finished breakfast and while Caitlin went upstairs to shower, I did the dishes. I just hoped I didn't use too much of the hot water and she had some. 

I heard the hairdryer going, so I sat on the couch and started flipping through channels to wait for Caitlin to get done. As I sat there, my mom came in. "Hey honey." She said. "Hi mom." I said, getting up. I hugged her and she hugged me back.

"Who's upstairs?" She asked, hearing the hairdryer. "Well...we have some things to talk about." I started, "No...not like that." My mom looked scared. I laughed. "It's Caitlin. She apologized. I forgave her." I said. I saw my mom breath a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you two worked things out." She said. "Me too." I said. I followed her up to her room. She started to unpack her stuff. 

"So what's this I hear about prom?" She asked. "Well I'm still gonna go. But for now I am going by myself." I replied. I told her about Cade and how he's ignoring and blocking me. I told her how it was this other Jake who actually said yes for him and how he asked Julie. "Wow... Seems like a total jerk." She said, "And he's supposed to be a Christian?" "Yeah." I said, "But he's certainly not acting like it." "No, he isn't." She agreed, "Do you want me to talk to his mother?" "No, I doubt it'll do any good. It's fine." I said, "Really." "Ok." She said.

Later Caitlin and I were getting ready for prom. We got our dresses on. Then my mom did our hair. Caitlin had it curled and left it hanging down. I waved mine and put half of it in a small hair tie. We then did our makeup.

Soon we were ready. My mom took a bunch of pictures of me and then Caitlin and I. Then when Damon showed up, there was a surprise. With Damon was a very cute guy. He was about 5'10" and broad shouldered. He looked very fit and athletic. He had blondish brown hair and very beautiful green eyes. He smiled to me and he had such a cute smile. I smiled back. 

"Mandi. This is my cousin, Zac Bolton. He'll be your date." Damon said. 

Zac came over and slid the white flowered corsage onto my wrist. "Nice to meet you." He said. "You too." I said and I meant it. He was really cute. "I'm so glad your other date was a jerk. This way I get the pretty girl." Zac said. I smiled and blushed. "Thanks." I said. "You're welcome. But it's true. You are very beautiful." Zac said. I blushed again. 

My mom took a bunch of pictures of Zac and I. Then the four of us. She was so happy and glad I had another date. We said bye to her and got into the limo. 

As we drove we took more pictures and sang along to the music. "I'm sorry that I was a jerk to you." Damon said to me. "It's ok. All is forgiven." I said. "Good." He said. We sang along again. 

We got to the school and got out of the limo. We headed towards the school and as we did, we passed Cade's truck. We said hi to him, but he ignored us and just looked to Julie and pulled her toward the hall where our prom was being held. 

We walked into the prom. It was beautiful. It was decorated with red and pink streamers. Silver and gold balloons filled the room. Also icicle lights strung all around the hall where our prom was being held. And on the fake trees set up. Some kids were dancing already. Others were sitting at tables. We got our pictures taken. Then found our table. We were sitting with Cole and Leah and Shawn and Amelia. We drank some of the water. Then just talked and took some pictures. 

Once it seemed everyone arrived, they served us our meal. We all ate and drank until we were full. Once we rested our food alittle, we headed onto the dance floor. 

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