Chapter Twenty Eight

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I said bye to my mom. She was going to work. On a flight to France. I was red to go with her, but there wasn't room on the flight. Then I fell back to sleep until about 9:30am. I got up then and had some breakfast. After that I drove to a pet store and got a tarantula. I figured I'd talk to Cade and torment him a little bit before letting him go. Once I got it, I headed on my way to the cabin. 

Once I got to the cabin, I got my clown disguise on. Then headed downstairs. I got the needle ready and threw the circuit breaker, so all the lights would be off. I could shut the switch, but the bathroom one would still be on. I couldn't have Cade seeing me. 

Once it was dark, I moved the tool box and the chair and quickly moved out of the way. I knew Cade would hear all the noise and come out. He did and yelled, "I know you're here, Giggles! Where are you?" "Behind you." I said. He spun, but I was behind him the other way. I quickly stabbed the needle into his neck. When He was out, I tied him back to the chair. While he was still out, I gathered up all the trash and took it outside and burned it. This way, there was no evidence. Then I headed back to the basement. Cade was awake and struggling to get loose. He was furious. " bitch!" He yelled, "I hate you! Why can't you let me go?!" "Now, now... language." I said, "And besides, we never got to talk." "Talk? Why would I want to talk to you and about what? I haven't seen you since I was 7!" Cade yelled. "True. But I heard you have been a naughty boy. Being rude to my niece." I said, lying. He looked surprised. "What? Who is your niece?" He asked. "We'll get to that, but first I got you a present." I said and pulled the tarantula out of the cage it was in. Cade couldn't see at first because I had my back to him. I turned around and showed it to him. He screamed and really started wiggling to get out of the ropes. "I found out something you hate more than me is spiders." I said. "No. Please." He begged, "Don't.. Giggles.... Please!" He kept on squirming and wiggling to get away. "Oh ok." I said, but before I could move the spider back, it jumped out of my hands and landed on Cade. He screamed and started freaking out. "Get it off! Get it off!" He yelled. It crawled on his leg and up his thigh and up his chest. He tried to keep his mouth shut from screaming again. It then crawled onto his left shoulder and sat there. "Please Giggles. Get it off!" He yelled, "Get it off and I'll talk to you." I pretended to think about it. "No." I said, "Talk first." He looked scared and angry. "Fine! Who's your niece?!" He yelled. "Oh you know her. You were nice to her at first and then a complete jerk! You called her dumb and ugly." I said. He looked like he was thinking and had no idea. "All she wanted was to be friends with you. You're a Christian and she wanted some Christian friends." I said, having my back to him. I heard him take a sharp breath. I figured he knew, but when I turned, I saw the spider moved and was crawling up the side of his face and onto the top of his head. "P.. please. Giggles." He said, "I don't..." "Yes you do." I said, "You know who I am talking about. You blocked her!" "I blocked a few people." He said. 'Jerk!' I thought. "She was a blond and now a brunette." I said. He still looked confused, but then it dawned on him. "Mandi?" He said, "You're... you're related to Mandi?" "Yes." I said. I'm surprised he still thought I was Giggles. But that's fine with me. Let him think that. "Of course." I said, "She's my niece. Her father and I are siblings." He was quiet, like he was taking this all in. "No wonder she's dumb and crazy! She gets it from you!" He yelled. "Oh, now she's crazy?" I asked. "Yes. You both are crazy and psychotic!" He yelled, "She keyed my truck!" "Yea, she told me about that." I said, "But she didn't do it. It was that... I forget his name. But her best friend's boyfriend." "Right. That's what they said, but I know it was her." He said. "Right." I said, "She's a good kid. She'd never do anything like that." Cade laughed humorlessly. "When was the last time you seen her? She's not good! She's ugly and dumb!" He yelled, "And crazy!" I wanted to slap him so hard, but with the tarantula on him, I couldn't. "How dare you?" I asked, "How dare you be a jerk to her! How dare you insult her!" I then grabbed a blind fold and put it over his eyes. "Hey!" He yelled, scared. I moved the spider to his leg and let it crawl up again. He jerked and again tried to get loose, but it was no use. 

I grabbed a drink and drank some. Then I picked up the feather. I tickled him with it. He was really struggling to get loose. I just laughed.  "Serves you right." I said, "For being such a jerk to her." I really wanted to inflict some kind of physical pain, but I wasn't sure how. "She wouldn't let me alone! I told her I didn't like her and she kept bothering me!" He yelled. "You are supposed to be this role model, a son of Jesus' so to speak. You say you're a Christian and then you treat fellow children of Jesus' like this? You are terrible!" I said. "She made me uncomfortable." He said. I ran my finger along his arms, pretending it was the spider. He jerked his arm. "Please....Giggles. Please! Stop!" He said, "I never talked to her and she acted like we were friends. The comments...they made me uncomfortable." "And you never thought to talk to her?" I asked, "To let her know how you feel?" "People like that... they wouldn't listen." He said. "You don't know that." I said, "She really is a sweet girl. Caring and loyal friend. She doesn't have many friends who are Christians that she can turn to and ask to pray for her. She doesn't have it easy! Her father ran away when she was little." He cut me off. "Yeah, because he knew how she'd turn out." He said. I got mad and grabbed his throat and squeezed it a little. He started coughing and wheezing because he couldn't breathe. I then left it go. He coughed. "Don't you dare! Don't you dare comment on what you don't know. She is home alone alot, because her father ran away and her mom is gone alot to work to help support the two of them. It's not easy for her. Her faith is shaky right now." I said, truthfully. It's not easy with my mom gone alot. I wish she was home more. 

If I expected him to change and feel sympathy from him, I was dead wrong. He just laughed. "She just brings it on herself. Her mom probably just works to get away from her." He said, "I would." This time, I didn't care. I slapped him as hard as I could. "You are such a freakin' jerk!" I yelled, "You are no Christian!" I then left him there and went upstairs. I felt my eyes burn and didn't want him to see me cry. Although he had a blind fold on yet. I didn't want him to hear me either. 

I went outside on the porch and cried. I couldn't believe how rude he was being. You'd think being tied up, locked up, would of gave him time to realize what he was doing and change, but nope. He's still a jerk. I doubt he'll ever change. No matter what I do, what pain I cause him, he won't change. Maybe I'll just cut my losses and let him go.

When the tears stopped, I went back in and fixed my makeup. Then headed back downstairs. I looked to Cade. The spider was now on his face. I laughed to myself. I knew Cade was terrified and didn't say anything for the fear of the spider trying to get in his mouth. Not that I think it would of. 

I pulled the spider off and put it back into the cage. "Thank you." He said. "Shut up!" I said with as much hate as I could muster, "I don't want to hear you speak! You are a complete ass!" He was about to say something, but I put tape on his mouth. I pulled the blind fold off. I saw him blink in the light. 

"My niece's friend just sent me a funny video. You and I are going to watch it." I said, "Well not just, but about three weeks ago. I forgot to show it to you." I sat on his lap, which he tried to wiggle me off but couldn't. I made sure he could see the tablet. I hit play. It was prom. "Oh this is my favorite part." I said, as Cade fell on the brown spot on stage, "And second favorite part." It was when Caroline pushed him. I knew he turned his head to not watch it. I just laughed. "This should be video of the year. Don't you think?" I asked. He shook his head no. I just laughed. "Well I do." I said and watched it again. I wanted to make him watch it but he closed his eyes, so there was nothing I could do. Then when it was over I headed upstairs. 

Losing Faith (Hurt and confused)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora