Chapter Eleven

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The rest of winter flew by and was uneventful. Caitlin still ignored me and sat with Damon and Caroline and her friends. I was still upset, but slowly getting better. I had Erik and Cole. Now Jake got a girlfriend, Mia and she sat with us. So it was nice to have another girl at our table, even if she didn't talk to us much. I tried getting her to talk more, but I think she was shy. Although she had no problem talking to Jake. 

I really missed having a friend who is a girl. I said hi to a few in our grade, but no friendships were to made. 'Maybe this summer.' I thought. 

Most of the talk was back to prom. Jake and Mia were going together, Shawn and Amelia, Cole and a girl named Leah. Only Erik and I didn't have dates yet. "Come on. Time's a ticking." Cole joked. "I know." Erik replied, "I'm planning on asking Danny out." Danny was our soccer goalie. He was also gay and such a sweet guy. "You'd be great together." I said, "Danny is a great guy." " That he is. You two would be cute together." Erik said, "If he wasn't gay." "I know." I said. "I remember when you asked him out in middle school and he said no." Cole said, "And you asked him why not?" "And he said he was gay." Jake finished. "Yeah. I didn't know it, but I was so embarrassed." I said. We all laughed, remembering that day. I wanted to be homeschooled so I didn't have to face it, but everyone was cool about it.  Well almost everyone. Caroline and her friends wouldn't let me live it down.

Caitlin back then yelled at Caroline and her friends for me. She said it was an honest mistake. Danny had just moved here and didn't make it known he was. Oh how I missed Caitlin some days. 

Later that day, Erik announced he and Danny were going together. 'Great." I thought. "What's wrong?" Erik asked, picking up on my mood. "I'm like the only one without a date." I replied. "Well we'll find you one." He said, "We'll...well I will skip 7th and go to your free period together. We'll get an old yearbook and find someone." "We could, but from a yearbook we don't know if they're taken." I said, down. "No, but it'll be fun to see all their pictures." He said. 

So on my free period, I sat at the table with Erik looking through the yearbook. I turned on Facebook on my phone. I saw Cade was on too. I wonder what he was doing this period. I figured it couldn't hurt, so I messaged "hi". "Who are you messaging?" Erik asked. "Oh, I saw Cade was online." I replied, "So I said hi." "Did he write back?" Erik questioned. "Not yet." I replied. "Ok. Well if he does...ask him to prom." Erik said. I gasped. "I can't do that. I'm too scared. If he says no...." I said trailing off, "It'd be horrible." "But you don't know." Erik Said, "He could say yes." He was right, but I doubt Cade would go to prom with me. 

I looked to my phone and Cade wrote "hi" back. I smiled. "Hows your free period going?" I wrote. I sat my phone down to wait for his answer. Before I knew what was happening and I could stop him, Erik took my phone and ran out of the library. I followed him. "Erik!" I said, "Give me my phone." "Sure." He said, when he finished typing whatever he wrote. 

I gasped when I saw what he wrote. I was surprised Erik would do that. I was also angry, but nervous too. Also a little happy/excited Erik wrote it. I wanted to delete it, but I knew it was too late and already sent. 

It read, "Hey. Just wondering. Do you have a date for prom? If not, would you like to go with me?" It was a little while before Cade answered. "Free period is going good. How's yours?" He replied, "And sure. Prom sounds good." I smiled and felt so giddy. Lightheaded. Like I was gonna float off the ground. 

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. I showed Erik the message. "Alright." He said. I smiled and wrote back. "My free period is going great." I wrote, "And awesome." "Aren't you glad I messaged him?" Erik asked. "Yes." I said, smiling and I meant it. 


I was in the mall with Mia and Amelia. We were looking at prom dresses. We tried on a bunch. Mia ended up getting a royal blue Chiffon long evening prom dress. It was backless. It had a lot of silver sequins at the top of it. And it kind of criss crossed at the back at the top and had silver sequins back there too. Amelia ended up finding a black and goldish color Trumpet Mermaid Scoop neck Sweep Train Satin prom dress. It was two pieces. Now it left me. I finally decided on the light pink A-Line Princess Scoop neck court train tule lace prom dress with beading on it. It was open on the back in a "V" shape.

"Ok. Now we just got to get shoes." Said Mia. "Yea. Then later worry about any jewelry." Amelia said. So we headed to the shoe section. Mia got royal blue wedge sandals to match her dress. Amelia got the same, but in black. I went with something more comfortable. I got a pair of shiny silver flats. We paid for our dresses and shoes. After that we put them into our cars. 

"So what now?" Mia asked. "I'd say we eat. I'm hungry." I said. They laughed. "So am I." Amelia admitted. So we went back into the mall and headed to the food court. I went over to Subway. Amelia did too. Mia went over to Pizza Hut. We sat at a table near the windows. 

"I still can't believe Cade said yes." I said, "I mean, we haven't really talked much other than our History project and a few times during free period." "Well, he must like you too." Said Mia. "Yeah. He probably was just shy." Amelia added. "Yeah." I agreed. I hope that's all it was. I mean, he didn't follow me back on Twitter or Instagram. He did friend me on Facebook, but never bothered with me. It all seemed a little strange, but I'm not gonna dwell on it. Things may be finally looking up. 

Losing Faith (Hurt and confused)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum