Chapter Nine

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"No wonder she's acting like her." Erik said. "Yeah." Was all I could say. Caitlin and Damon were with Caroline and Tyler. 

They got their ice cream and I was tempted to trip her, but I didn't. I just kept looking at Erik. He just looked at me. "The loser table." Caroline said as they walked by. They all laughed. 

After awhile, Caroline's obnoxious laugh sounded through the restaurant. "Oh my gosh! Something really stinks!" She continued. The others laughed. 

"Come on. Let's just go." Said Erik. We were done with our sundaes any way. We headed up front. "I'm going to run to the bathroom." I said. "Ok. I'll be right here." Erik said. I went in and used the restroom and washed my hands. I saw Caitlin come in, but I ignored her. "You know. You're wrong." She said. I dried my hands and kept quiet. "Caroline isn't a bitch. She really is a cool person." She said. I just pushed passed her and went out the door. "Come on." I said to Erik. We both got out and into his car. We left my car at the school. 

"Did Caitlin say anything?" Erik asked, "I saw her go in." "Yeah. She just said I'm wrong and Caroline is a cool person." I replied. Erik was surprised. "Seriously?" He asked, "She said that?" "Yes." I said. "What happened to her?" Erik asked. "I don't know. She sure has changed. We were best friends since we were in kindergarten." I replied, "We all were." "I know.  It's sad." Erik said. "It is. I'm really starting to lose faith in people. My dad, Caitlin, and Caroline and her friends. There's not too many people I trust anymore." I said. "Yeah." He said, "I know what you mean. I think the only person I can trust anymore fully is you."


Later that night I was sitting on the couch and looking at Cade's Twitter and liked a bunch of his tweets. Then headed over to Instagram. I liked a bunch of his pictures. I also commented a bunch. Then headed over to Facebook. I commented a bunch of his pictures and posts and liked them too. Then I saw my friends were one less and I had no doubt who would be missing. I looked and was right. Caitlin had deleted me. It bothered me and I felt upset. I really wished my mom was home. I really needed her. I mean I have Erik, but I can only talk to him about so much. I ended up going to bed early.


It was Monday morning. I woke up and stretched. 'Yes.' I thought, "My mom will be home today.' I got up out of bed and opened my blind. "Oh." I gasped. It was all white out. I turned on the TV and the school closings and Treeville was there. No school. I listened to the news. We had at least 5" and it was still snowing. But we were only supposed to get like 6". So it should be done soon.

"Well, no school." I said, "I'm going back to bed." So I crawled back into bed and fell asleep.

The next time I woke up it was around 9:30 am. I got up out of bed and brushed my teeth and then got into the shower. I dried off and put on a Treeville tee and sweatshirt over it. Then put on my light blue boot cut jeans. Then my black Ugg boots. I then dried my hair. 

After that, I headed downstairs and grabbed a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. I did up the dishes. I was done and my phone started to ring. It was my mom. "Mom, hey." I said. "Hey, so I'm taking it school's closed." She said. "Yeah it is." I replied, "So you're home?" "No. We were supposed to leave, but because of the snow we were delayed. We should be leaving a little later today." My mom said, "But I don't know if you heard, but they're expecting more to fall." "I heard we had about 5" and we are to get 6"." I said. "No. That's 5" now and 6" more to come." She said. I turned on the TV, but Ellen was on. "Oh. I'll have to watch the news then. I hope you can leave. I really need you home." I said. "I'll try my hardest. I got your text. We will talk as soon as I get home." She said. "Good. I really hope you can." I said, "Get home today I mean. Keep me posted." "I will. I love you honey." She said. "Love you too." I said. We then hung up. 

No sooner did we hang up, that my phone rang again. It was Erik this time. "Hey." I said. "Hey." He said. "What do you think of the snow?" I asked. "Love it." He said, "I got to sleep in." "Yeah. Me too." I said. "But..." He said, "I can hear a but in there." "Well, because of the snow, my mom's plane got delayed." I said, "And she said more is on the way." "Oh. That sucks." Erik said, "And she's right. More is on the way. About 6" more." I pouted. "Oh that sucks!" I said. "Yeah." He agreed, "But how about this. I'll come over and we can hang out. Get your mind off her not being home and everything else." That did sound good. "Sure. But be careful." I said. "Always." He said, "I'll be over as soon as I can." "Ok. Sounds good." I said. We then hung up. 

Around 11 am, I put the news on. I didn't really care for the news. I just wanted to see the weather. Luckily it was on first. Sure enough, there it was. 6 more inches of snow would soon be coming down. 

I usually liked snow, but not now when I needed my mom and she was all the way across the world. Now I hated it and wished it was gone.

I dug out my winter gloves and hat from the closet. I also pulled out my boots and coat. This way I'd have everything ready for when Erik got here. Once I got it all out and ready, I made sure my phone was charged. Then just sat on the couch and waited for Erik. 

"Hey." I said when Erik got here. "Hey." He said. "I'm so glad you got here." I said, "So I wouldn't be bored." "Me too. The main roads are plowed. Yours... Not so much, but I think one of your neighbors is plowing it." Erik said. "Yeah, Pablo." I said, "He's a good guy. So is his wife, Jane." "Cool." Said Erik, "So what do you want to do?" "Well, I figured we'd go for a walk and I can take some pictures." I replied. "Ok. Let's." He said. 

I got ready to go out and then we went outside. We walked the length of the yard and I took a bunch of pictures. I took some of Erik and I. Then just some of Erik. Then we walked to the woods and back the path. I took more pictures. 

It was so peaceful and quiet. It was nice that Erik was comfortable and didn't need to fill the quietness. We walked back so far. The sun was shining so bright, but soon disappeared and it got cloudy. "I guess the snow's on it's way." I said. "Yeah, looks like it." He agreed. So we started walking back to my house. 

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